Snowbound, a map not for forging... I am making this thread to get out another map I have made before I release my Regeration Map Pack. This name of this map is called Boarders and the gametype is Death Race. Story: One day as UNSC Spartans were exploring Snowbound they came across a strange invisible wall running along the outside of the area. They also knew that the Covenant could penetrate this wall. With little time they thoughtout a plan to stop the Convenant. They created several Guardians to protect them from the incoming Covenant invasion. As another group of Spartans was roaming the area they came across the outside boarder. They realized that there has been a secondary wall built along the Guardians to also help their defense. This means everyman for himself... The Guardians don't know right from wrong and think the stranded Spartans are Covenant. All the SPartans have left is the strength to travel down until they reach the part of unfinished wall to get back to camp. The wall is very fortified and the Guardians are deadly. This mission is not an easy one. *Notice: This map is sloppy, and I would like to say I was given movable objects which can be thrown off position very easly. I would thank the viewers who don't comment on the sloppiness and quality of the map. **Notice: There are probably many ways to escape the wall, but to be more fun and to make the gameplay better, please stay in the game. Download Map: : Halo 3 File Details Download Gametype: : Halo 3 File Details The objective of this map is to get from one side to the other. Using enemy decoys, barriers, and strategy. There are three Guardians in the game and very small travel space. The gravity is heavier because I wanted to prvent people from escaping the constructed wall. It also has 5 rounds so you can keep track of your progress. This is the location where all of the players spawn Use these Barriers to protect yourself from damage and make your way out I used a couple of reciever nodes to help cut down the destruction of the wall These killing machines are the Guardians who will be firing at you at all times they find you a threat Watch out because there are random explosives layed out to give the Guardians an advantage and could be used towards your advantage as well Think you can escape near the Guardians, think again. Hit this teleporter... Transport over and slide down to your freedom And start all over Hope you enjoy this fun game!
Well.... this is definitly something...different. I can Honestly say, this is definitly a very creative gametype, especaily on a map like Snowbound,t hat has pretty much no forgebilitly.
This is different, unique, and creative. If this hasn't been done before then congratulations. This is even better because you can play this with only 1 person and it's done on a map that really can't be forged on. EDIT: I just tried it (it's fun by the way) and and you can just hug the wall and get to the end untouched. I don't know how to fix that but you could add walls or something that could prevent that?
This is really similar to No Man's Land, a featured map from a while back. Did you use it as your canvas and then just make changes to it, by any chance?
i didnt use any map but a blank Snowbound, and the map you are referring to i think is different because you eun towards the map. In this you run along the outside of the map