YouTube - ?? -????????FUKKIRETA??? Only the manliest of men can watch this whole thing. Only the most Jelloist of Jellofish can watch it every day like a pro that doesnt afraid of anything. oh and check out that cat in the corner, he so cool that hes cool thats how cool he is like ba doom da doom doom. Moedoe spedo eagle out!
That made me throw up with boredom, and annoyance. The gay-ness of it overwhelmed me, it was like Nyte came over to my house and sat on my bed. I didnt even have the sound on.
That made me want to kill John Lennon. That bad. Annoying, I hated it. Makes me want to throw up my omelette. And it was a good omelette.
--- I have managed to come up with an even better challenge!! hyuk hyuk hyuk!...Ill leave u wit dis YouTube - ???????