When I get it on midnight, I'm going to play around in forge, (see if all the glitches still work/also see new features) then beat campaign on normal.
As soon as I get home upon purchasing it, I'm going straight into forge. Then I'll go through the campaign on legendary 4-payer co-op with some buds.
Going to run through campaign solo on Normal, and then make a Blood Gulch canvas, set it up for firefight, and play a game with nothing but Zealots with maximum intelligence; I'll make it so you've got nothing but an assault rifle, a shotgun, and bottomless clip. BRING IT ONNNNNNNNNN
Look at the new features, I am almost positive it would be a waste of time to attempt the forging procedures that we go through right now.
New features of Forge? Really? I'm pretty sure Bungie hasn't said a word about Forge (other than it will be available) which means they either haven't finished developing it enough (or at all) or there's a super surprise.
He's just saying that the need for glitches may not be there. There will for sure be improvements in forge. No Diggity No Doubt. What they are exactly, you are correct, we do not know. They have made improvements everywhere else, so one could deduce an improvement here as well.
You are right in the sense that we don't know what the improvements will include, but why on earth would Bungie not develop the SINGLE thing that has carried Halo 3's lifespan out this far? Ghost merge glitch? No, just push it through the damn geometry. Turn object off, start new round, place new object to interlock? (before ghostmerging) No, just interlock it. There will be improvements, and honestly, I'd bet Bungie won't talk about forge at all, they're probably not going to give us any information on the (again) one aspect of reach that will elongate the lifespan of the game.
I'm just assuming, but there's a 99% chance, yeah. Firefight is now simply another gametype like Assault or CTF, not a separate game mode. By that logic, you should be able to mess around with Firefight-related stuff in Forge.
You've got to be kidding me... Do you really think that forge has carried Halo 3's lifespan out this far. For us, yea sure it has. But look at the vast majority of players on XBL that don't forge. They couldn't care less. No, they never said that and I doubt it. the AI pathing for all maps including forged ones would be a terrible waste of space. It is hard enough making smart AI, think about making smart AI for forged maps. I'm just assuming, but there's a 99% chance it won't happen, yea. Firefight may be a gametype, just like invasion. But I remember somewhere Bungie saying that invasion can't be played on any map. There probably will be restrictions and I highly doubt we can fully forge maps for firefight. We may be able to do the casual "place some scenery and weapons" but nothing game-changing.
What will you do first once you get reach? What will you do first? I myself will personally take a quick forgethrough through all of the maps seeing how forgable they are and how much of the map is made with forge. I will go to Forgeworld last to build the tension.
I immediately strip nude after picking up the game. I then proceed to bake many pizza rolls for exactly 10 minutes and thirteen seconds, no more, no less. I rub three pizza rolls into my stomach (to assure myself I can't just absorb their energy). I drink many Mountain Dews, the red kind. After the sun sets, and a new moon rises, I play the Halo campaign from start to finish 3 times. Then I play multiplayer.
I will start playing Campaign on Normal (so I can enjoy the story without being overwhelmed) while fondling myself. After I've beaten Campaign, I'll...clean up...and then proceed to Matchmaking and Firefight. After I dabble in that (aka: Get pissed off), I'll check out (aka: throw my controller down and not play until the next day) Forge World and have a grand old time phasing objects and making awesome maps. Yeah, so I'm saving the best for last, although I'm down for replaying Campaign on Legendary with All Skulls On with three other dudes.
this. and then get nude, cover my private part and nipples with some whipped cream, then tape the case to my stomach and put some shampoo in my hair, then jump rope in front of a mirror keeping a straight face the entire time. This will improve my try hard face.
http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-discussion/100777-initial-plans-upon-buying-reach.html there was already a poll on this. though, maybe this thread is more about odd sexual things
I have taken the 2 days after the game comes out off work to fully imerse myself in it. Beatingn the campagn on legendary, then the rest of the time serching every nook and crany in Forge World. Learning every nuance of the new tools on offer. Then over the next few days while I am back at work, my mind will be systematically designing my first map. Jotting notes down on a little note book I keep in my tool belt specifically for that purpose. Then when the weekend comes again I forge.
Finish Campain on Normal, check out matchmaking and have a quick fly through of forgeworld. After that will be anything