Annex {-A Soloist and TKS x MoNsTeR x map-} ------------------------------------------ Supports Slayer and CTF 2-8 players *This map was featured in the MLG Forge Forum Map Pack #2, but never individually released on Forge Hub! Download
I don't know why you needed to let the world know about your opinions irrelevant to this thread. SIGH Solo didn't you mention FRITZSTER working on this map? Anyways... The map is great, and it plays like a classic foundry arena map (in a good way), and to have the only foundry map in the mlg map pack is an honor that speaks for itself. Although this forum will never ultimately cherish this map for its potential, and abstract design. The Lines of sight are outstanding, but its too bad this forum doesn't play their own maps SIGH... Suggestions *Block the Lag box *Nicer Post JK Overall this Map would be on my HD forever if there wasn't a 100 limit, and is deserving many downloads
Map looks extremely well forged. It looks balanced and seems to have good flow. I'll dl and see how it works. I also like how the bases are against a forged wall and a pre-existing wall.
I agree with you 100% Jeef, and it kind of upsets me that none of your maps got Featured when they completely deserve it. Anyways onto the MLG Map. The Design looks completly original and the Aesthetics are pretty good. the lines of Sight look like they would be good, but I mostly like the overall look of this map. the merging is amazing and you have a download for me.
I really like your midstructure, its very original. Also the door chains is something i definetly like and everything is geomerged so this is an awesome mlg map
I do reconize this from the MLG MP2, this ws the only Foundry one in the video, right? Anyway... what can I really say that hasn't already. It is an excellent map made by one excellent forger. I could defintily see this being featured.
Yes this was the only Foundry map in the MLG MP2. Thanks for the compliment but this was made by TWO forgers.. Soloist and I.
Wasn't this map called hennesy in the mp2? Anyways, I love the center piece, except it looks awkward with the rest of the map. It's still awesome though since it provides more than aesthetics
Awesome replies so far! @Korlash: You are indeed, correct. I made crucial, yet simple changes to the map to get it ready for release here. After that I decided to re-title it for a fresh new start. Monster didn't like the original name anyway, it was kind of a placeholder for the MP2.
When's the next time you're going to play customs Solo? The map still looks good btw, hasn't aged much. Are you going to play on it still? Speaking of that we should go back and play all the '08 maps with some of the regulars, like a big old collaboration of really old maps, and then mercilessly make fun of how bad we all were.
Hey guys since my post was removed i must post agine. This Map is a COOL MAP (GUY). I think everyone should download and play at lease some FFAs on this map, Nothing but good can come out of that download( HAHAHA ) This is fun map i give it 5 forge dollars out of 5
@Fritszter: I'd still like to get some testing on this. Preferrably 2v2 and 4v4. Seth, you're going to get banned from FH. lol