I think Accessories or something along the lines of that would definitely be a category in the Armoury. If I remember correctly, when the Armoury was first shown, Bungie stated that some pieces would only become available after recieving certain Commendations. So, maybe if you use the Shotgun a lot, you'll get the shotgun shells. Or if you use the Sniper Rifle the most, perhaps Jun's little ghillie thing on the back of his head becomes available to you.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykz1Fp0d2_k&playnext_from=TL&videos=CLfnE_yHcM4&feature=sub 2 have been unblurred and 1 is visor color ^_^
thats not just sick. it's orgasmic. that my friend is THE most epic armor that i have seen so far...ever. any armor that bridges the pirate and ninja gap is awesome. btw what is it called?
The customization is so extensive, I'm wondering how long it will take to actually buy everything. Cause even after you finish unlocking spartans you got elites too. I always wondered if I'd ever run into someone on Halo 3 wearing the same or similar armor. With Reach once we personalize our armor just right you know you'll never run into someone with the same look. Why can't more games do stuff like this?
Best idea using the new EOD helmet haha also its a bit of a let down if you can have decayish effect and lightning effect. Makes flaming helmet good, but lightning is still just about as good...
Nobody mentioned it, so I might as well. This. I'm pretty sure there's a reason why this was here. they wouldn't just add in more stuff for no reason, after all. Plus they said the original picture was a bandwidth beast (or something like that).
We have two types of grunt birthday party effects for multiplayer it appears, hearts and confetti. And we have two unlockable effects similar to flames; lightning and smog. And custom charactors from past games (firefight only possibly on any of these three though D
I gots it. The pictures of mc and cortana are for firefight voices and I think the skulls are for the armor effect category. I wonder what the armor effects do though...
the reason is that they are showing you can have chiefs or cortanas voice in firefight. all the stuff in that picture went in order from that armory armor customization screen. helmet, shoulders, chest, wrists, visor, knee guards, armor effects, then firefight voice is last.
I believe that the skulls indicate that those things appear after death and the ones with helmets are armor effects.
And for those of you who can't figure out what lightning coming of a spartan's head means for an in-game effect. The spartan's head will emit lightning in game, kinda like the bungie fire, only it's lightning. Maybe the green cloud means that a green cloud would be around your head too! No way!... The skull effects for death animations. So the confetti is like grunt B-day party.
Lightning/green smoke better be king no life item. I don't want to see green smoke, lightning or fire wherever I look :/
I think the green smoke is meant to be a Flood effect. Why are we not seeing Emile's face? Deep secrets to be revealed, me thinks
Really not psyched with the whole armor effects/death effects. The fire was too much already. I am however, shocked to see how much is available to start out with. It's going to bother me knowing that we cannot even physically SEE everything until we rank up. I have no idea what else is hidden and that bothers me. lol
Oh god. Green smoke/lightning might only be the tip of the iceberg! God help us all, god help us all.... As for the thing with the skulls, I really think there grunt birthday party thingys.