Foundry Designer Foundry designer is a flash tool to help you design maps in foundry. I've been working on this for a couple of weeks and I now have a working version complete to show. You can add items by dragging the pictures across from the side. You can also use th tools on the top right to rotate, move and delete already placed items. Currently this only lets you place objects on the bottom. I'm planning on adding a way for you to switch levels and edit the objects on each level. Here it is! UPDATE! v0.10.1 I've now added a feature to change levels use the drop down menu in the corner to change levels. I also added hot keys. 1,2,3 and 4 change the tool, escape takes you back to no tools. Holding down control and pressing either 1,2,3, or 4 will take you to that level. Version History 0.9.5 - First working version 0.10.1 - added hot keys, level changing and some UI changes Here's an example map that I made in about 2 minutes BTW: I've been working on this since before this thread was posted. So what do people think of it? I'm open to comments and suggestions.
i agree, this is nice for planning, i love the printing, it would be more epic if you added a "up a level" feature
Wow, absolutely amazing, can't wait for exra level version! And, cause you can't improve without criticism: needs bridges, stairs, and any other immovable object commonly used for the basic structures. When you delete items, they don't add back to your item limit and budget, that definitely needs to be fixed. You should also add an option to allow more objects to be placed after you reach that items limit or budget, since in forge we can overcome that. Also, is it to scale? EDIT: Just realized that you can't rotate things other than in a circle, like up or down. Now I don't know how you could fix that, but it is something to think about.
You can haz Recon. It's pretty cool. You should ask Nitrous or Shock or one of the staff to sticky and/or embed this for you. Too bad there aren't any more items than boxes and walls. If you want, I can make some gfx for you and size them up.
If you could differ from one story to the next and everything is scaled right then this seems to be really solid, and I'm sure a lot of the community here will DL it.
LOL You, sir, may have an epic win cookie! And an Epic phail cake for the items you can use. (Did I use fail correctly? WILL I GET THE BAN HAMMER?)
Hmmm.... why did you downgrade it? It looked better before. There was multi-level capability, etc. It still looks good, though. Keep it up!
I advise adding some other objects, such as bridges or fence boxes. They are a key part of map geometry, IMO.
In the version before the multilevel thing didn't actually do anything, it was just there for when I did add it. *edit* I just added the multi level feature. For all the people who suggested adding more items I'm going to add more, most importantly stairs and bridges. Getting the right dimensions is going to be hard but I'll have them ready soon.
I like this a bunch. This will help me with the new map I'm making. The only thing I wish I could fix is the fact that each side isn't the same width at the other at the original starting places... It's so annoying. Edit: If your trying to find problems with you editor, I noticed that when you delete something, it doesn't return to the inventory. I deleted one too many things and I never got a plus one back to my inventory. Just to let you know.
hmmm... wouldn't it be easier and more productive to use map designing software to get what you want? that's what i do and it work's great. DL "valve hammer editor".