Sandbox Pinball

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by MetaWaddleDee, Jul 16, 2010.

  1. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    This, is Pinball, Pinball is a competitive mini-game on Sandbox, both teams try to shoot the ball into the other team's goal. Remember, THE OTHER TEAMS GOAL, a lot of people get this wrong, make sure you're not one of them. Anyways, once the ball enters a goal, the team that scored, enters the teleporter behind them and grabs a point. That's the basic gist of things, lets get into detail...

    Here is the court

    The game is played by shooting your Brute shots to guide the ball, as seen in these pictures.

    Start of the game

    Shooting out the window

    Playing the game


    YouTube- Pinball Machine

    And these are the rooms to shoot from

    Above the first rooms
    The first room is where you start and where you score

    Above the second rooms
    The second room is where you go when the ball gets down past half-court, as it is easier to play closer to the ball.

    Some info about each room, the first room is, obviously, where you start and also where you grab a point once the ball enters the other teams goal. The teleporter is best described by watching the bungievid above. otherwise to travel between the two rooms, you simply jump! There are teleporters above each window and corresponding receivers in each room. this game is pretty self explanatory otherwise...

    Scoring happens by shooting into the other teams goal, its like any other team sport. Make sure you lead your shots and try to win the ball from the starting gate by watching your radar.

    I'll now get to how scoring happens
    I deleted the court to show you guys the scoring contraption

    Side view

    Key components

    Basically, let me explain this to you, when the ball falls down it gets propelled by the gravity lift towards the man cannon, then it bumps into the blocks and unblocks the teleporter, where you capture the territory and get a point!








    Territory, captured

    That's it, I'm positive I forgot to include something, just tell me and I'll add it!

    Download Map
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    #1 MetaWaddleDee, Jul 16, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2010
  2. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    that is not only amazing but also ingenious. at first i thought that getting the goal would somehow kill the other team but the teleporter being unblocked is cool too. i played this with some friends and it's almost as fun as that "blast off" game. it definitely deserves a spot on the featured maps. (^_^)=b
    #2 Sgt Surchin, Jul 16, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2010
  3. LRMAN0989

    LRMAN0989 Forerunner

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    Wow, I just read through it, thinking 'how in the world does it give me a point?!' and then I see it. Yeah, that's a great idea. It seems that whenever I see something that you did I think to myself "Why didn't I think of that?! *facepalm*". Although it doesn't seem too much like pinball, it definitely looks fun. How many people is recommended, because I only got 3 other people to play it with (4 people if you include me)
  4. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
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    This is just so creative, and the aspect of how you score a point is even more amazing in my eye. What can I say, the map is super clean, and looks like one hell of an awesome scauce gametype.

    By the way, home many people could be supported in the map?
  5. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    All of them!

    I.E. 1v15 works!
  6. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    Is the whole map tilted backwards like a real pinball machine?

    And for the Ball launch system, does it just fall down a tube?
    #6 Cheeze, Jul 16, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2010
  7. Jrcane4455

    Jrcane4455 Ancient

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    I saw this on Halo 3 Forges and I was like when the hell did Meta make this, and then boom you post this. The only thing I could say negative about this map is the scoring holes. The divider between the holes either needs to be made larger or you need to widen the whole map in general. I unintentionally made a point for the other team a couple times playing this at my friends house.
  8. BurnNSky

    BurnNSky Forerunner

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    This game was pretty awesome, I just think that the red team should aim for the red goal, and the blue team should aim for the blue goal. That just makes more sense to me. But w/e, overall it's a pretty fun map :)
  9. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    Theres a gravity lift to make sure it doesn't go back in, but basically yes.

    Sorry, not enough money...

    Its much easier for the majority of people to shoot it into the opposite side, but feel free to redirect the teleporters if you think its more fun like that.

    PURPLEXCARROT Forerunner

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    that is amazing, i like the scoring mechanism. 5/5
  11. Austin9988

    Austin9988 Forerunner

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    This is a great map because of the great game type and objective i have played this and i loved it you cant kill the other team and if you could it would make this game stupid
  12. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
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    After looking at your "above room 1" and "above room 2" pictures, I don't understand why the tele's in room one aren't lit up, but the ones in room 2 are? Are they there just for fun or are they the teleporters that take you to the territory? So many questions, so little time... :(
  13. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    I deleted the roof for room one and the second room is above and a little farther forward so I deleted that to make sure nothing got in the way for the picture above room one. I then started a new game and deleted the roof above room two. so the teleporters were gone in room two for picture 1 but the first room is still there for picture two and still active.
  14. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    Literally every time we play customs with Nondual, I recommend this at some point, FYI.
    Best, Minigame, Ever.
    I remember when it first popped into your mind and you had constructed a wall invited me. I didn't think it was going to work or be fun. How very wrong I was. Ridiculously fun, every time.
  15. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Designing mini-games is no easy task. Sure people do it all the time, but it’s seldom that they’re fair, fun, balanced, and unbreakable. Pinball passes all these criteria in flying colors making it one of the best mini-games ever made.

    While the game is rather simple on the surface, the gameplay is very enjoyable. The constant action makes it interactive for anyone involved. The more people in the game, the more chaotic it gets; providing for some very hilarious moments and everyone seems to have a good time. In the first round or so, new players tend to be confused regarding the objective, but after that people quickly understand their goal and can really get into it.

    Though, there is a limit to how much fun you can have with this map. If you play it more than two or three times in a session, people do tend to get a bit bored. However, this is definitely a gametype you want to keep around, because everyone enjoys it for a game or two.



    Pinball is without a doubt balanced. The clean forging makes both sides identical for all practical purposes. The blocks are even and consistent and both teams have a fair chance of scoring. The map is so balanced that it could even be played 1v15 and either team would have a fair chance. It’s rare for me to say something is perfect, but I honestly can’t find a single balance issue with this map.



    Again this map is incredibly durable. The high walls on the sides of the track keep the ball enclosed in the arena, and since the players are enclosed in boxes there’s no way to break out either. The scoring system is also very clever and highly successful, with the biggest problem found was that it occasionally took a couple seconds for the teleporter to open.



    Pinball is definitely an interesting looking map. The high walls help the player to feel enclosed in the “machine” while having plenty of colorful bumpers to move the ball in interesting ways. The curved wall near the end is definitely the most interesting part aesthetically which helps to really solidify the pinball feel of the map. Though there are some bare spots. It would have been interesting in my opinion if the map had a dome roof as the walls felt a bit flat.



    Now the concept of a pinball machine isn’t exactly new to forge, the execution of a successful version is what make’s Pinball so original. Other versions have come about, but without the flare and durability that Pinball has. They say you don’t have to be the first to be successful; you just have to be the best.


    Enjoyment: [​IMG]
    Balance: [​IMG]
    Durability: [​IMG]
    Aesthetics: [​IMG]
    Originality: [​IMG]

    Overall Score:
  16. Paranoia UK

    Paranoia UK Ancient
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    nice map man, it reminds me of that TnT Polo that someone made years ago. Forging is clean and the idea itself is genius.
  17. jakey babs

    jakey babs Ancient
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    Wow have been dominating forgehub lately cant wait to see what you do in reach. for now ill say i played your map with some friends and had fun it reminds me of other maps like that rocket ship gravlift one and the gravitator maps except much more fun. Personally i hate playing slayer in custom games but minigames and infection are what i love so its cool to see that you can do all of it. Congrats on your success

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