Sandbox Hysteric

Discussion in 'Halo 3 MLG Maps' started by AceOfSpades, Jun 14, 2010.

  1. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hysteric is one of my maps that I've had finished for a long while now, I frankly was just too lazy to post it. Hysteric was originally going to be based off of Prisoner from Halo:CE and Pyrokinetic by Urban Myth. As I forged it, I started to take more and more inspiration from Archaic by HezbollaHector and Goatnuts420. What came out is what I think is a unique, asymmetrical MLG map.

    Supported Gametypes



    Battle Rifle - x6
    Covenant Carbine - x2
    Sniper Rifle - x2
    Rocket Launcher - x1
    Plasma Pistol - x1
    Custom PowerUp - x1
    Plasma Grenades - x4
    Frag Grenades - x4

    Map Images


    Download Hysteric
    Download MLG Gametypes
    #1 AceOfSpades, Jun 14, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2010
  2. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
    Senior Member

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    Have you ever played pipline? Cus this looks a ton like it, in a very good way. Pipeline was the most rape assymetrical MLG map ever, so this got a dl by assosiation ;) Anyways, i personally think this is much better than axolate. Its got a better layout, looks more fun to play, and seems like its gonna be pro. btw, did anybody complain about the lack of rails that you showed in the top/bottom blue ramp pictures? It just looks a little iffy to me...
    #2 Jex Yoyo, Jun 14, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2010
  3. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah, I love Pipeline, but I've never had anyone tell me that this looks like it. Most people associate it with Archaic first XD

    There are railings where you pointed out. Looking at the pictures there, I can see that they're difficult to see. I assure you though, the entire map is railed.
  4. AARC Forgers

    AARC Forgers Forerunner

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    this map is amazing i havent gotten a game in yet but i will thursday. 9.5/10 excluding gameplay. my one suggestion format it for oddball
  5. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Hysteric is an interesting map that plays very uniquely from other maps but still with the core essentials that make it a very solid MLG map. While the design itself is rather complex the objectives are always very clear. Each area provides a varied feel to it while still blending well together. Overall it has great flow and encourages players to move around the map due to its simple and intuitive routes. This amazing use of routes and flow creates a very fast map allowing you to move from one side to the other very quickly. Seldom do you feel like you’re unable to support quickly enough, with plenty of trick jumps to keep you in the action.

    With plenty of cover and blocked line of sights the number of power positions on Hysteric is very limited. A few spots come close to being overly dominant but there is always several ways to flank to take them out. This balance of positioning further encourages positive map flow where the player is constantly encouraged to keep on the move.



    As stated above, the routes on this map are excellent. They provide players with clear goals and expected outcomes while still providing plenty of variety to encourage varying choices. This means that the player has plenty of options on how they’ll navigate instead of making one or two obvious choices all the time. While it’s difficult to judge team balance on an asymmetric map, it is easy to tell that Hysteric does everything it can to provide benefits for all the areas so as to not cause an unbalanced side or region. While CTF was not the best gametype for such a small map, it did provide an interesting and very MLG experience. It also felt as though both sides had an even level of difficulty to get and capture the enemy flag. The other supported gametypes played very well, with an even matchup throughout.

    The weapon choices were definitely interesting. One issue I had was with the rocket launcher. The beginning of each match inevitably started with a player from each team picking up the sniper rifle then looking at the rocket spawns. There was then a showdown between the two players that decided to rush rockets where quite often neither player would walk out alive due to the snipers at their backs. Perhaps moving the rockets to the high ground would help reduce the cluster of power weapons at the low end and giving added incentive to go higher. The powerup was also an interesting choice. It felt as though the player with the overshield was at a huge advantage as the map was very close quarters and thus not allowing the opposition much time to whittle down the over shield.

    Some issues arise when we begin to look at spawns. While there’s not only a very limited amount of spawns, causing some random spawning, the real problem arises from lack of spawn areas. Too often the player would spawn directly below/above the enemy or spawning looking at them. This could be avoided using spawn areas to break the map up into spawn clusters. This way when an enemy is above you and you have the spawn area over both areas the player will be less likely to spawn below them. It also works that if a player can view a spawn area they will be less likely to spawn within sight. This fix would almost certainly help improve spawning.



    While the core structure of Hysteric is solid, there is one serious flaw that needs addressing. It’s a very easy grenade jump to reach the default teleporter. While the teleporter might not be visible during customs it still functions. A very simple fix to this would be to place an object inside the exit of the default teleporter so it would no longer function.



    While the aesthetics were definitely not the focal point of the map, they did provide for enough variety as to give the player a good sense of location awareness. Nothing was particularly amazing aesthetically, but everything looked nice throughout. The use of aesthetics often played a crucial role in providing tactical jumps and other means of maneuvering throughout the map. The smooth merges definitely helped not only the look of the map, but also the speed at which you can move through it.



    While it’s said that MLG maps are very similar, Hysteric definitely tries some new and unique things from the rest. While it does tend to resemble a culmination of other popular maps, it definitely provides some very unique elements that help to separate it from the pack. A very fun and playable map that encompasses the MLG feel while bringing a fresh breath into an ever changing design mentality.


    Enjoyment: 9/10
    Balance: 7/10
    Durability: 8/10
    Aesthetics: 8/10
    Originality: 7/10


  6. HezbollaHector

    HezbollaHector Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I remember looking around on this map a while ago, i never got a chance to play it though. It looks nice, especially the grassy area with the lift. Congratulations at another solid design,Ace.
    #6 HezbollaHector, Jun 21, 2010
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2010
  7. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks great, but gameplay, I am not too sure I can review, I did play it with a couple freinds and it worked fine but I would have to look in deeper to get a better review.
  8. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Man I hate carrying a team in Hill!

    Overall its a great map, Great Flow, Great Sight, Great, just great.
  9. BurnNSky

    BurnNSky Forerunner

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    I agree with MickRaider in saying that there is a cluster of power weapons at the beginning of the game. Other than that, this is a pretty fun map :) It's a nice, fun, fast paced map that never plays the same way twice
  10. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This was one of the maps we played in the ForgeHub vs Forever Forgers Humpday challenge, w played Team KoTH on it and it played great! The gameplay felt alot like Constructs Team KoTH style gameplay. Every just felt right on that map, the spawns, Hill Spawns, everything. Expect for Insane54 wrecking us with that Sniper the whole game, =P
  11. lVlr Me 2

    lVlr Me 2 Forerunner

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    i've played on this map and I dont have too many complaints. It's neat and there are a few a points of aesthetics. It looks like you really put some time into this one. But nI'd say that the only problem is that I've seen so many maps like this. Don't get me wrong because this is a great map but I've seen it before.
  12. AceOfSpades

    AceOfSpades Talented
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Map updated with a new version. Changes include:
    - Removal of Custom Powerup
    - Moving of Rockets to bottom green
    - Moving of Plasma Pistol to previous Rocket spawn
    - respawn point adjusting.

    *Note: Pictures do not reflect these changes.

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