I know you are new to Forgehub, but it would help if you looked around the forums to see what we have here because you have posted this in the wrong place. If you want your map tested click the link below. Also, read the thread that tells you how to make a submission. Testers Guild - Forge Hub
Omg -.-, I have looked everywhere and read the post in this forum and i really though it was the right place to post this.. anyways, thank you. I'm learning things everyday on forgehub
If you want to get your map tested go to this link : Testers Guild - Forge Hub Read the necessary forums before you post though to make sure you understand how it works.
Please read the posts above you before you post. The link has already been provided to him. Thank you. Map looks good and I would love to test but work gets in the way. Good luck though and welcome to forgehub.
I do quite like the way that out of 200 viewers only 7 have so far commented. Anyway, This map looks very nice but i am worried that this map will have very poor gameplay. It also looks likke you have used most of your available objects creating the middle. However good the middle look i think you need to create something else that uses less objects. Thirdly you need to add some sustained elevated areas to your map. What i mean by this is that a player should be able to travel accross the map without touching the floor, in an ideal map there should be multiple routes. From the photos i dont think there are any. Overall i believe that you need to add some more elevation and to alter the middle so it is more economical on you object count.
Very, very nice aesthetically. How close do you think it is to being complete? You have created some very unique structures.
Looks really impressive so far. The asthetics of the map are what reallt stand out so far. be sure to give the entire map good asthetics to give the map and overall asthetic view of it.
Hey, The map is already done, the only thinbg i am waiting for is a matchmaking test to catch a video that I have already start. --- Map is now posted!!!