So I've been a lurked for quite some time now, Downloading maps, sharing with friends, and enjoying them. Anyways Ive always been one for fun/race gametypes that you guys so expertly create and since most of my halo friends are MLG/competitive players I'm looking for people that just like to relax and have fun. GT: mr godlike always up for some good old fashion fun
Can't say I'm all that into casual or race gametypes, but I know there's a ton of people here who do! Competitive, MLG, and minigames for me. So, welcome to Forge Hub; make sure to read the rules and all that good stuff, and hope to see you around!
Well I guess I should say that My time spent on halo is mostly MLG/Competitive games.. so casual, race, and minigames are what I'd like to throw in more consistently. Thanks for the welcome insane
mrgodlike is here? I am worried. Lol personally, i play almost every type of game but i prefer highly competitive ones because most mini-games and casual games get stale after a while. But they are always fun the first couple times when everyone is running around like idiots trying to figure out what to do ;D
Welcome to forgehub, Mister Godlike! Enjoy your stay here, and play nice. I'll be sure to send you a friend request, I also enjoy playing on race maps. My GT is WaxyPumpkin72.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa. Dude, you download maps? Really, though, I guess you're as excited about the new racing stuff in Reach as I am, then.
I am not really a Casual or Racer type of person wither, I prefer hard on Competitve map forging an playing. Anyway, welcome to the site buddy!