The idea was to create a scarab-like vehicle without it actually being a scarab. As such, this can be considered a relative of the scarab. I call it the spidercrab. Enjoy. Download link - : Halo 3 File Details Side view - three turrets. Back view - hangar with one turret and two ghosts. Front view.
It's not bad but it looks like you could have done alot more with the idea. For Example, look at the Legs, honestly, they are boring. Spice it up a bit by add pop up more detail along with asthetic detailing more to it to really look like a Scarab or in your case, a SpierCrab.
The idea was to make a scarab-like vehicle, not to make a scarab. As such, I tried not to copy a scarab exactly. You find the legs boring? I thought they looked kind of cool. But what do you think can be done about them? I know you said, "detail them more," but in what way? Do they need to be more bulked up? Do they need thicker joints? Anything else?
If you were to put something in the joints between the 2 sections of the legs,it would look so much better.Other than that,it looks pretty good,and going off of the screenshots,it looks like you did a good job forging it.
Well first, I recommend merging a little bit of the leg that is connected to the body into the body. When it's not merged, it looks sloppy, and when it's merged too much, it wouldn't be that mobile if it was a real halo vehicle (vehicle?). I also recommend merging something where the two ramps in the legs connect, so it looks like a joint. I wouldn't go overboard with aesthetics on the legs, though, because it would take away from the body, unless you want to add more stunning detail to the body as well.
As other people say, merge them, or just add alot of detail, like asthetic details. Make it seem as real as possible.
Id like to see you try and make the Whole thing better. Take your idea and just make it bigger and maybe build a map around it so that people can play on it
I love this. You've came up with a very smart idea of a spider crab and I look the technique but some objects such as the leg could be improved upon. Otherwise I would give it a 4/5.
Ya I agree, the scarab is a LOT bigger than this in real life (What? Halo 3 isn't real life?!?!? WTF!!), and even though this isn't the scarab, I know that you were largely basing your "spider crab" off of it. I would even take it a step further and make it BIGGER than the scarab, because you want something that will be even more intimidating than the massive, four-legged ugly crap face itself. Think of it this way: do you think people would rather want to see something that could make a fight with a scarab comparable with a fight with a baby for its lollipop, or do you think they would rather want to see something comparable to a member of the scarab tribe that would make people in the future sing "they wouldn't let poor spider crab, play in any scarab games"? Also I think that you should change the name if you want to make it bigger and more intimidating, because "spider crab" makes me think of a little deformed crab that thinks he can, thinks he can but he can't. I suggest something that fits the whole ghost theme for covenant vehicle names. Here are all the synonyms for "ghost" that you can use (some are already taken by the other covy vehicles, so choose wisely. And yes, I did just copy and paste these from ): apparition, appearance, banshee, daemon, demon, devil, eidolon, ethereal being, haunt, incorporeal being, kelpie, manes, phantasm, phantom, poltergeist, revenant, shade, shadow, soul, specter, spook, vampire, vision, visitor, wraith, zombie. The bolded ones are already taken, so don't use them. I hope this response helped, and I hope you had a good laugh while reading it !
Yes, but the Covenant walkers are different. Scarab Locust Hardly close to any sort of phantasm. In fact, oddly enough, it seems to me that they share names with real animals. And, in case you didn't know, a spider crab is a real animal.
Yes, but scarabs and locust are not covy vehicles, they are brute walkers. ALL covy vehicles, except for battle cruisers and and other giant space ships, have names like that. You have the ghost, the banshee, the phantom, etc.. If he wants to make a the first covy walker that can easily destroy scarabs, then name it one of the things I told you to name it, but if you want a bigger, better brute walker, then name it whatever you want. Just remember though that it must fit the theme .
You're completely wrong. The Scarab and Locust are not at all, "Brute walkers." I have no idea where you got that from. The only cases in which Brutes have even piloted such vehicles have been during Halo 3 in replacing the Elites in defending the Scarabs and during Halo Wars piloting the Locusts when playing as the Brute Chieftain, in which Elites are absent. Even if they were Brute creations, they are still Covenant vehicles.
Hey it's not bad for what it is. And i DO think the legs are cool the way they are, but where the claws at? Regardless- Who's boiling up the water?!! mmmmm.....
Personally, I think it looks kinda cool. I'm glad it's not supposed to look exactly like an actual spidercrab... They're so creepy! D: But yeah, good job. I mean, blah blah merging blah blah could be better blah blah or whatever. Meh, I would just say you should make a v2 and try and make it better in whatever way you think you can/should. That's really all I could recommend, ya know? I mean, I personally like the legs; they're very... crab-like. Maybe make the whole thing a little bit bigger? I dunno. Anyways, Happy forging!
Those are some funky legs your pet spider has there This map really stands out from all the other Scarab remakes. Its looks very basic (which is awesome) but a people that haven't played halo before can say it looks more like a spider then knowing its a funky looking scarab. This pretty awsome