Sandbox Dodge ball

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by hallowhead1, Jul 16, 2010.

  1. hallowhead1

    hallowhead1 Forerunner

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    This is a very simple Dodge ball map that is really fun and competitive

    There is an outbox so once you are killed you will respawn there if someone from the other team also died you can have a brawl in there, its really fun!

    There is kill balls between so no cheating is even thought of

    View of game area

    View of one side

    View of the other side

    View of outbox

    View from outbox

    Download Dodge Ball Here!
    Download Dodgeball Variant Here!
    #1 hallowhead1, Jul 16, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2010
  2. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    so it's a smaller version of the one played on action sack mixed with that one sumo game? well thats pretty nifty. good job i will definitely download. it would be good for smaller games. (^_^)=b
    #2 Sgt Surchin, Jul 16, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2010
  3. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ya that looks humble. Good that it's territories based, the slayer ones are terrible. And a tip, add more information to your post. If you're into building more dodgeball maps this one has a very clever spawn system you should check out, it's the dodgeball map to beat in my opinion.

    And Sea Urchin, I would have to give the gold to this one over the action sack version of Front Line. I'm assuming because it's territories (you really have to add more information, hollowhead) the round ends when a whole team dies, and if you haven't tried it I would advise you do, it's much better than simple slayer. Front Line originally used king of the hill to devide the two sides, than bungie butchered it by taking away the hill and to compensate made players super heavy.
  4. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
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    It isn't a bad map, but not an entirely neat an organized one. If you looks at the grenades put on the map, ytou just dropped them around any spot in a sloppy fashion. You should have have placed them all evenly in a neat an orgainized fashion.

    Now the map itself, I would have recommended that you have merged it because it gives the mamp a way better look and can sometime improve quility of gamrplay.
  5. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Other thread closed ... moved to Mini-Games.
  6. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
    Senior Member

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    First off all, I think that putting grenades in random spots is actually really smart (whether intended or not). This is smart, because it means that players will be running around and picking up random gernades, which means that the player will sometimes have stickies, and sometimes won't, and sometimes that player will have regular nades, and sometimes won't. This brings more variety to the gameplay, rather than a player running around in the neatly organized "sticky grenade section", and just that section, so that the player will always have sticky grenades.
    RittSea: 1 JPenguin218: 0

    However, I agree with you that the map should be merged. It looks rushed and it honestly doesn't look that pleasing. Considering this is a simple concept and game, you should definately spend more time on aesthetics and cleaness.
    RittSea: 2 JPenguin218: 1 (either way I win :O)
  7. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If you look at these images



    You can first tell those are two different sides,a nd can tell that the grenades are place randomly, not place evenly ad equally for both teams. Just reandom clutters of Nades.
  8. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh I see what you are saying now. Still, even though placing them in random spots is bad, neatly grouped grenades are still not very smart.
    RittSea: 1.5 JPeloquin218: 1.5 (I'm not winning no more :( sad face)
    p.s. i just now realized that I called you JPenguin not JPeloquin. My bad
  9. Stick of Butter

    Stick of Butter Forerunner

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    i see a ton of dodgeball maps. It must be a very popular gametype therefore i will download this.
  10. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    Take out the Plasma nades. They ruin every dodgeball map. Spike nades only. You don't have to have any overshields, because the Spike nades don't explode and kill everyone around it. Spike nades just shoot straight up,so if you are standing directly ontop of it, it will kill you, but thats about it.

    Now on the map itself, I could easily see a grenade slipping through any of those cracks, and for the "out box" Why don't you just make it where you have one life? If the other team spawns in there I could see the teams fighting it out instead of actually watching the game, which happens on team sumo and you are in your own teams box ~_~`
  11. hallowhead1

    hallowhead1 Forerunner

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    You need the plasma nades i think, and no nades fall out of the cracks in the floor but if everyone things it i will merge it and re-post is later on tonight or tomorrow. As for the out box you aren't entirely supposed to watch the game the windows are there so you can watch if you want too, but the main reason is so that the both teams can battle it out if they want.
  12. R Richard P26

    R Richard P26 Ancient
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    If one person wants to fight no one will be allowed to watch.
  13. hallowhead1

    hallowhead1 Forerunner

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    from all the times that i have played this map not one person was like stop stop i want to watch the game, everyone is just slaughtering each other up there. I actually just played it no more than an hour ago for about 45 minutes and no-one wanted to watch from the outbox
  14. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
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    But that doesn't mean that out of a million people that play halo 3, every person will want to slaughter each other. I am one of the people that would want to watch, because the reason I would be playing this map in the first place would be because I am tired of killing people and want something else to do. I suggest making a "slaughter house" somewhere, and it has a teleporter that takes you to a viewing platform or something like that.
  15. hallowhead1

    hallowhead1 Forerunner

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    You think that would work i mean that i know some jerk is gonna go through to the viewing section and kill everyone i would send a one-way teleporter. I will take your word for this and make the map better merged and what not, but i am not home and i will be away from the next day and a half. I will fix all these things on monday

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