Looking for three other people that are good to do Vidmaster Challenge Endure. If you want in, add my GT - ACES Xx BliTZz FCFS - I will not start until there are enough
I'm in. (I've not been online though much due to my computer being broken so I have to use one cord for that and my Xbox. If I'm not on when you want to do it post here and I'll probably see it, I'm setting it up so I get E-mail notification) --- It says your name doesn't exist?
i'm down, R Richard. i tried with the guy that made this thread, and he was kind of a douche. don't bother. he INSISTED that it should be done on lost platoon... even though that's probably the hardest one to do it on
Hmm. I thought that Lost Platoon would be one of the easiest if two people go tin wraiths, one in a wraith gunner seat and the last on a chopper. The only time I got a team to make a serious attempt was in the ONI building one.
Lost platoon is the easiest. One person with the splazer taking out wraiths while camping the giant building, one person protecting him from the buggers, and two people in choppers raeping the covenant hordes.. Its really simple and as long as everyone sticks to their duties. There are even a few places where the covies simply cant find you if you know what they are. Also, the wraith glitch was patched so you cannot drive them anymore.
Awwwwww, no wraiths... :C oh well your plan sound good, when i tried it we got raped. If anyone want to help could they post here and add my gamertag so I can know?
I might be able do it tomorrow, about 12 hours from now if you are free. But thats a might, its possible that something could come up.
I need to do all the 3 co-op vidmasters so hit me up if you want to do them together. I know the strategies for all of them, i just need a party. I can usually only play late EST like 12-3 but I'll stay up later if we're in the middle of the vidmaster. GT: Kilr0n
Okaa, I may be able to stay up. I'm in EST time too and I've stayed up late and woken up early for the past few days and I was kind of looking forward to getting to bed early. However I am going on a hiking trip that will keep me away from my Xbox for 2 weeks so If I'm going to get it it better be now. (If there's anyone else let us know.
ih8y0urg4m3rt4g. i need all the 4 players but annual (though i'm willing to do it again to help). i'm available after 5:30 pacific standard time