SAND FLOATSand Float is set in the skybox area of Sandbox. It is a slightly small level only fitting about 3-7 players. The best and most supported gametypes are either 3v3 slayer or 4v4 slayer. The other gametyes wont be as fun to play but you can still play them. There are 4 power weapons and one Invisibility on this map.1x Sniper, 1x Sword, 1x Shotgun, and 1x Fuel Rod Gun.No vehicles. Download: : Halo 3 File Details Over View: [a href=""target="_blank"][IMG src= border="0"/[]/a] --- oops. sorry i though i had embedded it right. What wemt wrong?
#1 you need WORKING pictures #2 the pictures NEED to be embedded #3 if you do not comply with this, the thread will be locked
/fail. It doesnt matter if its lower case or upper case, seeing as it is not case sensitive. Try it out, i absolutly never use upper case because i hate holding down the shift key. [floatright]And just for some lulz im gonna add this over to the right to show you what i mean. I used the floatright command, all lowercase. [noparse][floatright]This is what my code looked like ;D[/floatright][/noparse][/floatright]
Here's some good sized ones , read this tutorial on how to post screenshots and they'll turn out like these: Spoiler For this time though just copy and paste them in, hope this helps!
Or you can read this superior, not out-of-date tutorial on how to post screenshots that are higher quality and they'll turn out like these: Spoiler For this time just copy and paste this code in, hope this helps!: Code: [noparse] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [IMG][/IMG] [/noparse]
After seeing the picture from a forge game, I notice there are only a few spawn points. Whats up with that? Where and how do you expect people to spawn on the map?