Help with your Game, also, this is basic training, not lone wolves and here is a great screenshot toturial
I got 3 45's and then stopped caring about ranked playlists because all of my partners gave up. I personally wish I could go back to a 30 or so because I enjoy lowering people's guard like I do with a ton of generals (except for General Big Team clans, they rape me )
thanks LD, that was the screen i was searching for with no luck oh i assumed it was FFA as there were no teams etc, my bad.
it is FFA, but not lone wolves, lw is the (in my opinion) most annoying playlist in halo 3, getting a perfection there is very rare because of the playlists gameplay, flow, spawns ect.
MY highest skill is 45 :/ I have it in lone wolves. But the playlist I want to get my fifty in is team slayer and I have a 40 in that.
I have played 2,700 matchmade games. However, I quit games. Alot. I quit if a player on my team is not playing. I quit if I feel the connection is not up to my standards. I quit if I am paired with boosters, on my team, or the other team. I also quit if I have double the amount of kills of the other teams top player, and yet my team is still losing. Due to this massive amount of quitting, my exp hovers around 1,400 and doesn't really move. The only gametype I play competitively is lone wolves. I have a 45 in the playlist. I don't view fifties that are not in lone wolves as... prestigious, as those that are in lone wolves. This is because in games like team slayer, you may be carried by teammates. In lone wolves, you rely on yourself. You can go into team slayer with friends, be guaranteed good teammates, and romp most teams made up of randomly selected people. But you can't do that in lone wolves. It's random everytime who you get paired with. So this is why I prefer lone wolves. But I still have a 40 in team slayer just because I warm up in that playlist. Oh and I had a 50 in team snipers in halo 2.
I admit it is quite hard but I've done it several times. The most frustrating thing is getting killed on a spree of 23 because you charged in. But Halo 3 ranks are useless. I got loads of 50s. Even got a 50 in lone wolves on 4 different accounts. Halo 2's ranking system was the best. I agree with LD that above 35 was awesome. I got to a 40 with my team but only had it for 1 day before they reset the ranks.