Suspended Roadways

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by hallowhead1, Jul 15, 2010.

  1. hallowhead1

    hallowhead1 Forerunner

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    Suspended Roadways!

    Many great things in this map such as
    -A good lengthy map
    -Great jumps and landings
    -Neatly merged turns allowing easy racing
    -A single front flip launch

    Use Racetracks with this map!

    view of map

    view of Spawn and cars

    View of one big turn

    Looking at the front flip

    Looking into launch for front flip

    Landing of flip

    Ending of map where links into each other

    Video of whole map!
    YouTube - Suspended Roadways

    Download Suspended Roadways Here!
    Download Racetracks Here!
    #1 hallowhead1, Jul 15, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2010
  2. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    Tried this out. A couple of the roads made with walls are a little bumpy, but I think that makes it more interesting. Also that bottleneck part where only one mongoose can get through would make for some interesting race gameplay. I'm amazed someone could forge something this good and not know about and screenshots!!! Sign up at if you haven't, hallowhead1. You can take screenshots on your box and download them to your computer, so you don't have to post grainy stills taken off your tv :)

    EDIT: some of the jumps don't work 100% of the time. IF you aren't fairly centered, you fly off.... A LOT. and I was driving on it by myself
    #2 IH8YourGamerTag, Jul 15, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2010
  3. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Wow! just wow. Though the pics and video quality are not the best, the map itself is truly amazing. merging is al clean, neat and beautiful and smooth. I love the front flip mechanism. Does it work 100% of the time? 5/5 from me its amazing
  4. hallowhead1

    hallowhead1 Forerunner

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    Once i posted the thread i realized that i could of token the screenshots with my xbox but i was to lazy to fix it. Thanks though!
    The front flip if you come in to fast sometimes slips and you fly straight forward but if you come in nice and slow and smooth it works like a charm, and if you don't quite make it to the landing there is a shield door to bounce you onto the landing smoothly. Thankss!
  5. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

    Likes Received:
    These pictues friggin give me a headache lol. Go to custom games, save a few pictures, check your, save copies, upload to from computer onto photobucket or (any other pic editing site) then link the direct pic URL to your thread. Nice racing map, clean. keep em coming
  6. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The map has some pretty unqiue features but isn't really a top quality track from what it could be with a little bit of editing. I can tell from the video that there are mutlible parts of the map that seem too bumpy and cause a problem for driving in a race whether it lead to falling off the track or just slowign them down.
    #6 Mister man 1217, Jul 15, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 15, 2010
  7. LieutenantLambo

    LieutenantLambo Ancient

    Likes Received:
    Click Here
  8. hallowhead1

    hallowhead1 Forerunner

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    i have uploaded new pictures that are clear to see.
  9. RittSea

    RittSea Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have played this map and I love the front flip, mainly because I have played WAY to many "unique" maps that feature a back flip, and this is the first front flip I've seen so far. Although, is there anyway that you can fix the front flip launcher so that you do a front flip indefinately, rather than having to go slow? Unless I had read this post, I wouldn't have known to go slow on the front flip, and it wouldn't have worked for me, and I would have missed out on a lot! Thanks!!!!!!
  10. hallowhead1

    hallowhead1 Forerunner

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    I kinda wasn't thinking straight when i said you have to go slow, i really meant is that you can't come in bumpy but you can come in fast. If you come in bumpy you will not hit the certain thing that makes you do the front flip, i have tried and tried again but i can't seem to make it work when you come in bumpy. I have put at least 3 hours in just adjusting it, that doesn't even include building time. I am continuing to try and fix it but i have no guarantee's.
  11. Kyler

    Kyler Forerunner

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    Three problems that shouldn't be hard to fix

    1. This map looks WAY too easy to cheat on. Put on a teleporter/grav-lift mechanism to prevent people from walking through the destination. If you're not sure what I mean check out some other well made racing maps' finish lines (look at any of xDREAM 76x's posts).

    2. Add some more asthetics. Just put some cool stuff floatin' around. Consider making a theme (if you have enough budget). But congrats on the actual track, it is very smooth and well made. Say, is this your first racing map?

    3. Even though I personally have the gametype, add a link to RACETRACKS so newbies to racing won't put on slayer gametypes.

    These three problems must be fixed (or at least the first two) before I will consider making room for this in my hard drive. Once again, congrats on making a non-suckish racing map. Keep forging

    -Dr K​
    #11 Kyler, Jul 19, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 19, 2010
  12. hallowhead1

    hallowhead1 Forerunner

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    Yeah the Finnish line i wanted to be in air so no-one could cheat but i ran out of money so i can't really do anything else about that, i do have a budget clean map that i found after i started that map. This is my first circuit map i have made a racing objective map called the leap of faith check it out. Thanks and i will take this into future consideration for my next race maps
  13. hallowhead1

    hallowhead1 Forerunner

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    version 2

    I am finally finding some time to update a fix the problems of this map, i will soon start the second version of this map. Not too drastic of changes but i will make the jumps better and the Finnish line.
  14. Th3 Situation

    Th3 Situation Forerunner

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    I liked crush the car soo much i had to see if you had any other forges i went to your profile and saw some maps, i downloaded them and was amazed. Your maps are really good. This is a extremely fun race map, the front flip is really unique. All though the turns are a little hard to get used to i i give it a 5/5
  15. Vaccarelli

    Vaccarelli Forerunner

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    Wow i have never seen anyone make a frontflip like that. Luv it! Nice job

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