You've got a good tag going on, but then it's all like, ohhhh text. The typo is a good idea, but if you're going to include it in a normal tag, then you need to put it as part of the focal.
MontageMedia, could you elaborate? Is the whole thing too bright, are some parts too bright... what is too bright? Mace, i think i understand what you are saying. Too much text in a bad area, i should either have it in the focus or less obvious? Once again, elaborate pl0x
Huh? I get that reference to my picture, all of that is randomly taken lines from a poem i wrote that happen to flow together somewhat haltingly btw. But, what exactly is its purpose here?
Everything seems kind of apart. It's hard to explain but between the focal, the text and the background you create, there seems to be so much distance. It makes the sig look less like one complete piece and more like stuff jumbled together. I'd say try to make it a bit smaller, bring things closer and perhaps overlap or adjoin things like the focal and text, to make the sig look more like one complete piece with no gaps. (high)
I generally find corner text to always have something wrong with it no matter what, mostly because it's in, um, the corner. I just never like it there unless you can make it work somehow. And maybe have less of it, too. There's also a lot of blank space here.
The text can be a bit hard to read in some spots, especially where the text is white and the background is lighter. I really like what you have done with this sig, keep up the good work!
Im still totally confused as to what you mean Nitrous... And thanks Kratos, its good to know that ive moved beyond the point of having no room to get worse
Hahahaha It is too bright, so try toning it down, and upping the contrast. Then you can also move the text to be right next to the focal (aka the spartan) Flow is good. Keep it that way, and don't try to fix it. Making it anymore complicated than it is would be very hard for someone your level. I'm not even sure I would want to do it.
There's alot of negative space going on as well. I'd suggest cropping it down a little. Also, for text, I would suggest using 2-3 fonts at the most. It seems like every word you have in that little text block seems to be a different font. The different fonts make it look messy, and I'd recommend sticking to simple, easily readable, fonts as opposed to slanted and different sized fonts. The good thing about the text is that (it seems) you used colours from within the signature! Very good ! aha, that's a plus! And as others have said, just work on the contrast, make it more clear, and perhaps add in some more colour? aha. KIU!
^^ Knows what he is talking about There is a lot of dead space and washed out colors making this piece look very boring. The effects and flow are fine. The text should be moved closer to the focal. Also, this was mentioned already, but its very bright. Work with your burn and dodge tool to try to get a more concentrated light source or to help with depth. Mainly so the whole thing doesn't look bright mainly.
Okay, thanks guys. The light is overdone, and there isnt enough shadow seems to be what you are saying (?) and its waaaay to bland, so i should have cropped it and had less wasted space, and the text is meh. At least, thats a very short summary of what i think you were trying to say. Am i understanding correct?