As the title states, I am having problems with ghostmerged pieces moving from the location I put them in after I save, quit, then restart the map up. The method I use is the Up + X method. Basically I work in the skybox and sandbox and I place a platform for me to stand on. After placing the platform I proceed with pressing up and x at the same time until I get the item menu in human form. Once I get that I click on the item I want made. After the first item is made I press x on the teardrop from the item that was made and I set it so the item respawn is set to never. Then I proceed to do the up and x thing again until I get the item menu again and I then place the second item. After the second Item is placed I pick it up from the teardrop and I push it against a double block which I set up for pre-bracing purposes. When the first item that was set to never disappears I proceed to press x twice and set the run-time to the maximum number. That in turn gives me my ghost piece. After setting the first ghost forged piece I proceed to do steps 1 - 6 again to get another ghost piece. After getting the second ghost piece I align the second ghost piece in a position to where it is almost perfect. (Ex. Two double walls to where the gold bars on the side of the walls are aligned as to make it look like they are one continues wall. Well after placing those two ghost pieces, (lets say I have to leave after doing those two) I save the game and end it. Either right after ending the game or after awhile away I will come back and start up the game only to find that one of the pieces, (usually the second ghost piece) is either moved itself either up or down in a manner where the two gold bars on double walls are not aligned anymore and instead they show all the bars basically stacked on top of each other. So basically I am wondering if anyone has had this happen to them before, or if someone knows why this happens to me while ghost merging. I always make sure that I am host and I have even tried ghost merging without even having my Ethernet cord connected to the xbox and playing offline. Thanks to anyone that has read this whole thing and can help me. And if anyone doesn't really understand what I am saying and would like me to show it to them you can always send a friend request to me and I can show you first hand what happens to me. (GT: Bigguy123456) Once again thanks and I hope to get replies with help lol. =D
I think it might just be double walls, they tend to move when you save and quit. If the objects move when you use other objects; ie, block huge, try the other way of ghost merging: -Place two of the same objects, set one to spawn time - never, dummy both with the up-A method. -Then Wack both off their teardrops and pick up the one that has a respawn time. -To un-clip it, forcespawn the other object (double tap 'x') and forcespawn. -Then move it where you want and let go of it. If that doesn't help, I don't know what the issue is, I can also get a better tutorial if need be.
When Halo saves data it moves the object to the closest preset position, either keep trying this to get the pieces to save wrong together or save it then use that wrongly saved object as a brace...that made no sense... Basically if you save a piece 90 degrees from its starting position it will save to either 87 degrees or 93 degrees.
easy solution instead of ghost merging in the skybox, just make a 2 way node from the ground to the air. Might be a hastle to do that to every piece, but you only really need to wait for the never respawn block to disapear once for each used object. might save you from the headache
How is ghost merging in the skybubble hard? Really, it's just like doing it anywhere else. But I agree with MetaWaddleDee, so I would listen to him.
You cant have the teardrop below the grid. There you go. Just turn the Double Box over and then ghost merge it.