Average Number of Spawns on Map

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Eftz3, Jul 15, 2010.

  1. Eftz3

    Eftz3 Forerunner

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    Right now i am in the process of making a map in the crypt of Sandbox. I am wonder what is the average amount of spawns placed on a map.

    More Information:
    It was originally going to be made only for an infection gametype.
    It should support Team Slayer and Capture the Flag.

    Also the Map has 2 Warthogs, I was wondering if I should change this.
    How many grenades should be placed on this map?(most places on the map have a large line of sight, or 2 entrance/exits)
    What type of weapons? I was thinking 1 rocket in the very middle of the map, 2 snipers in towers at the corners of the map, and small weapons throughout the map. It is a mansion so around the mansion there is open areas for long ranged combat.

    I will get a preview out sometime tomorrow.
    Please note this map is not finished, and I am trying to make it look like the mansion has been abandoned for years and is falling down.
  2. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    I generally use all 73 OLN spawn points. -- That's more than enough.
  3. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    The more the merrier. At the very least, use 50, at the very most, use 100. Somewhere in there should be good enough.

    Also, make sure that you do not overdo the weapons and grenades. Remember that moderation is ALWAYS the best policy.
  4. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    Assuming this is a 6v6 style map, I would say around 60 spawns. However, do not try to force a lor of spawns in areas where they don't need it. Think of a map simulation on your head. Imagine where both teams start and then where they starting skirmishes will begin. When a team wins an area, what should they be awarded with? On The Pit, the team that wins the Rocket Hallway obviously gets the Rocket. Now, where should the losing team spawn? Back where they started? At the Shotgun hallway, or way over at the Sniper Tower? (Kind of going nowhere here). Pretty much, don't try to force one certain area with respawn points because thats how other maps are made. Place them so they spawn where your map can flow well.

    As for grenades, keep frags low, about 0-4 grenades. I recommend 0. Frag Grenades should be placed in areas where someone could potentially camp, such as the Sword Room on The Pit. Don't use both Plasma and Spike Grenades, pick one. Don't place grenades everywhere around the map. Try to keep 2 area on each side of the map (Go for 4-8 special grenades). Try to think of Plasma (or Spike) Grenades as mini-power weapons.

    The single Rocket and 2 Snipers is a commonly used set-up, and generally works well. Just keep respawn times decently high (150-180). If warthogs are hard to kill, make sure there are alternative methods to kill them such as Plasma Pistols, Power Drains, or Brute Shots.

    One more quick thing, make sure no one area is overpowered. You mentioned that you have snipers placed in towers on different sides of the map. This is something to be careful at, since you don't want people staying up there, and being very hard to kill. Make sure each area has multiple routes.

    Good luck on your map.
  5. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
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    It really depends on the size of the map, the gametypes it will play, and how many people it will support.
  6. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    It's been like 12 years since I last forged but it depends on the map. Larger maps call for more spawns. If I remember correctly, on one of my smaller maps, I used 40-ish. If you want some areas to be more popular and trafficked, add more spawn points to that area.

    edit: or just listen to the guys above me.
  7. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
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    Juncture needed all 100 because of it's large size, multiple spawn areas, and large number of people it supported.

    It's really not a number that we can define, just be sure they're well distributed and evenly weighted.

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