well you imbeded 1 pic correctly, congrats on that. but you are missing everything else... please update this with a download link, and description soon or it will be locked, and i would suggest you add more pics that show more of the map
I don't think you fully understand why we have the one picture minimum thing. It's so that potential viewers will actually know what your map is like beforehand, so that they can know whether or not it's worth downloading. Right now, I have absolutely no clue at all what the point of your map is. ... Is it made for Infection? Most likely: Yes. But I still can't tell for sure because you never told us anything about your map... Is it good-looking? How the hell should I know? I see one picture of what appears to be a staircase. You should include more pictures of every important part of your map. Also, an overview would be much obliged. Are the settings fair for Humans and Zombies? I don't know. You never told us the settings, and you also didn't include any download link for the gametype, if there is one. Where the hell can I download this Mo-Fo? No clue...There is no DL link...please, for future reference, read this post marked "Mandatory Read Before Posting Your Map." It's kinda ironic that you completely missed it. ... Fix up these problems, and then we'll talk. Otherwise, your thread will become "Locked" in Twenty-Four hours, and it will become un-viewable. Cheers, HarisSales.
lol @ this guy He's also missing a description, a decent amount of pictures, and the gametype settings. I'm simply helping a new member learn what to do, and why he should do it.
Harris beat to all what i was gonna say. Well this is pretty much all you need to know: 1. Add more photos, alot more if its a large map. 2. post a link to both the gametype and map, not in your fileshare though. 3. give some helpful tips about the map such a choke points, how to use the weapon box, if there is one, how zombies enter, etc 4. talk about gametype, such as starting weapons, damage, speed and shields. If you do all this you will have a good post and it will be downlaodable.
ok judging by that screenshot it looks mysteriously like that one on foundry thats been out for a while. like... it looks exactly like the spot on that other map...
it does look exactly like the one i always play on Foundry. It also has the exactly same name... soo i dont really know what to say here, and im pretty sure its stolen.
Locked due to not following the map posting requirements. Original Poster please PM me asking to reopen the thread after you have edited your thread to fit the rules.