Finally got my faces down for the chibis. I really need to work on their bodies though. Weaboopedia time: These are Gijinkas, they are humanoid pokemanz.
proportions are all wrong. heads too big and same with the eyes... maybe a little more detail could be put into the feet and hands as well. pretty good for starters though
Defy, do you know what chibis are? Maybe you should look them up. The proportions are SUPPOSED to be like that: big heads, big eyes, smaller bodies, little detail in hands and feet. They're just supposed to be cute, little anime people. As for the actual art, I do like the faces, especially the eyes. The hair's good, too. I agree with you that the bodies need some improvement, though I don't think that they're horrible.
Okay there is nothing cute about that first one... I dont know if its just me but that things looks PISSED. I am afraid that it will, like, bite my head off or bitchslap me with its flaming tail any minute now.... Lulz but yeah, they are pretty good. The right eye in the bottom one is a little strange, and the tail on the first is somewhat blocky. But im worse than a horrible artist, so.... yeah.