Assassin Map made by: eReader16 Gametype Supported! Assassin Hunt Assassin Race Plays 2-7 players Is anyone famililer with Assassin's Creed or Assassin's Creed 2? If so you will love this map and gametypes. If not you will still love it!Assassin Map, Assassin Map.2 is a remake of the begining part of AC2 where you race your brother (Sibling Rivalry). Overview It is almost an exact remake too. It goes with two gametypes. Assassin Hunt and Assassin Race. In Assassin Hunt the assassin (zombie) starts at the beginning of the course and has to hunt down the templars (humans). Area If the humans make it to the top of the tower they get a spartan laser which is the equivalent of the gun because it is insta kill and takes a while to aim. In Assassin Race everyone HAS to be on there own team. If not the game will be messed up. Everyone starts at the begining of the map and tries to get to the top of the tower where the Vip Mark is. If they get there they win. Path In this it is okey to find different paths and stuff to get to the top of the tower. I dont care because in the game you can do that. Equipment that is hidden: Flare-Smoke Bomb Grav Lift- ????? Tower Assassin Map is for Assassin Hunt Assassin Map.2 is for Assassin Race They are the same but they have different spawns so the gametypes will work correctly. Info on Gametypes: There is unlimited time on both. in Race everyone HAS to be on there own team for it to work. The humans have a big enough lead to get to the tower and halfway up, but there is only one path so some might be stuck at the bottom. But it's ok because the fastest there gets the first try which makes since. Assassination is the easiest way to kill anyone, just a tip for the people playing. Also in Race be careful 'Cause the beginning is a mad dash to the "stairs" and if you're not smart you could get killed. The tower is easy to climb if you are good at that kind of stuff, but the people who are not god at that stuff might want to try something else to win. Who said being an assassin was easy?
Looks Great and i Love AC + AC2 And its mostly the EXACT same from the Start so Well done will love to Play this with you if you want to GT : X RS Sniper X and i sahll rate it 4.5/5 Stars cause The Pics are in forge
welcome to forge hub first off and congrats on your first post Now i have two problems with your post 1. describe the gametypes some, such as time # of rounds, health, starting weapons, etc 2. If possible include some action shots Reasons why this map may not be enjoyable 1. How easy is it for the humans to climb the tower while being chased? 2. In the race mode is it fair? By this i mean is it easy to pass a friend or do you have to kill them to win. 3. How close do the zombie spawn to the humans? 4. When humans make it too the top of the tower do the zombies have a fair chance of reaching the top and killing the humans? If this is a problem many people will rage quit. I will download and test my self, hopefully none of the above problem come into play. hopefully you stay active and keep posting maps Sincerely, xXEnr4gedhoboXx
Hey, for your VIP gametype instead of making everyone on their own team couldn't you just us King of the Hill? Maybe not have it an actual "race" but it would be a HUGE advantage to get on top, considering the hill marker/splazer being there. Anyway, the map looks pretty cleanly merged and has a touch of originality (Assassin on Creed)
This is a very cool map that I can tell you put a lot of time and effort into, but if you can kill the assassin with a spartan lazer, what's to stop humans from camping at the start to assassinate the assassin (see what i did thar?) ?