Matt, battleman actually left comments based of the map and you obviously were completely oblivious to them. for a V2 i suggest that you include more double width areas to increase competion in the map as the only ways to gain position include person in front of you falling off and the first 15 seconds of the course, not many people want a challenge, they would rather gloat that they raced better then thier friends.
Sorry dude This map had a lot of potential but you blew it. You need to merge everything neatly and nice. Riding around it is a pain in the butt. If it was your first map than i commemorate you. But check out some merging threads to help and good luck for future maps.
Even though this comment was not spamming, you basically just said what everyone else said. No thanks for you! (instead of "No soup for you!") _______________________________ On a dark and stormy night, a vampire gave us lemons.
Wait did you just call Harris's and Death YoYo's comments useless?! That, my friend, is called constructive criticism. Don't post a map like this and not expect to get it. It's there to help you so don't get the idea that it's a bad thing. Now onto the map. I can see what you were trying to make here. This map is not a RaceTrack. RaceTracks are for competitive racing. This map is made to be a challenge. BTW RaceTracks are always double wide. And Harris/YoYo are right. The bumps need to go. Not only do they look bad, but they do affect the gameplay negatively. AND... Call me a merge ***** but this map NEEDS it. I know it's not supposed to be as smooth as baby skin, but to have fun gameplay it needs to flow. Instead of making the track bumpy/sloppy you need to add more obstacles. Jumps, banked turns, and things to maneuver around will help make the gameplay much more interesting without the sloppy look. If you can't handle this "bad comment" then you shouldn't post at ForgeHub at all.
The flaming ends now. There is a fine line between flaming and constructive criticism, and the first post was easily just repeating everything that has already been said, except in a negetive and insulting manner. The second post; while a am glad that you are sticking up for me it was still a little aggressive, especially towards the end. I can easily defend myself and already have, and this is all in the past now. Comments need to be relevent, helpful, and kind rather than defensive and overly critical. Something that was not mentioned is how well layed out the beggining portion of this map is, and parts of it are very well built. Remember to mention the good and bad in your posts please, and dont hate on him because of a misunderstanding. Everything is worked out now and repeating whats been said already is pointless and rude. To those who have posted well thought out and constructive replies, thank you for helping keep FH clean, and have a nice day.
Alright, I'm sorry considering the fact that I missed this post. ^^^ To tell you the truth, I only saw page one, which obviously was calling for someone to step in and end it, so that's what I thought I did. Death YoYo, once again is right. This thread has been a full three pages of hate, and for that, I appolagize. BUT... so far pretty much everyone has been right about your map, so take their advice
-.- let's take this step by step. --- There is a difference between a Racetrack, and a track that you drive on that's extremely hard. A Racetrack rewards the best driver, and the better driver turns out successful every time. You've created a track that is generally frustrating to the majority of people, although you may think falling off and trying again is fun, it's not too the majority of people. Your map kills the idea of a Racetrack. Instead of the Racers killing themselves with bad driving, the map kills the drivers with un-smooth and bumpy gameplay. The maps atheistic don't look that great. The Killsballs are their to add suspense, but I could see them getting in the way. I'd take off gloomy, or whatever effect you used. Effects really just take off from a map. Unlike what you've said, atheistic are important in a map. They show the racer the map in a smooth, good looking, visually appealing map that will make them enjoy the experience even more. I haven't played it, but the map does look cheatable. Just because you've made a map, doesn't mean you know if it's cheatable or not. The lap-line looks very easily cheatable, and could ruin and exploit the game. It looks like you spent time on the map, but if your time ends up looking unsmooth and unfun for the majority of people, then you didn't spend enough time with enough care.
If this doesn't stop you'll all be receiving infractions. There is a way to help the map poster without tearing him apart and starting a flame war. Also matt, every map could always use constructive criticism, my maps, the admins maps, the best forger on the sites map, etc...the point is all maps are never perfect and can always be improved. Its ultimately up to the map creator to take the comments left by members and use them for their own good. Keep it cool...
For your first race track I must say I am throughly impressed. The smoothness and flow of the track reflects on the title "Highway To Hell" quite good and the overall enjoyment of the track is a bonus. I hope to see some more tracks in the near future.