I think Halo 3 will have a fate similar to Gears; simply because Reach has the Halo name (and I say that even though I loved the Reach Beta). Everyone will flock to Reach and play it and the die hards will still hold on to Halo 3. Gradually, less and less will play Halo 3 and pretty soon it will be like Gears 1 and CoD:MW, and may eventually fall like its predecessor, Halo 2.
Think about what you did with Halo CE and Halo 2. It'll be the exact same thing as whatever you did with those games or any other game you enjoyed. For me, Halo 2 will go into the xbox like once a year MAYBE but overall it's non-existent. Everybody moves on, everything will slowly die out. Silly Discussion thread is silly....
I don't think Halo 3 will die. Seriously, Halo 1 and 2 are still played online on the PC version, and Halo 2 only died because Microsoft ended the Xbox Original online multiplayer. I really don't think that Halo 3 will die too easily. If anything it will die at the same time Reach does, when Microsoft ends the Xbox 360 online multiplayer because of the next console (what people have called the 'Xbox 720'). And by then, we'll be wondering if Halo 5 will die when Halo 6 comes out
This. Every one wants the newest and best version so if you got reach which can be played like halo 3 almost exactly. Also has a lot more features and possibility's halo 3 becomes pretty much obsolete.
i will definitely keep my halo disks as memorabilia. i also think its already starting to die out. i only saw 4350 players at one point on a saturday.
I agree with this, except for the MW part. I havent found a single person who doesnt agree that the original isnt a better game, and most of my friends list still play it more thatn MW2. I think if Reach fails (which it probably wont) like MW2 then it will be something similar. --- Just FYI, their new console will support full 3D gameplay. And it wont come out intil 3D tv's are commonplace, or 2015. Whichever is sooner. The same can be said for the PS4.
for me it wont die. I will continue to play it because to me it isnt any game, it is something special, like the best game i have ever played(that is alot) And FYI i have played cod4 cod 5 MW2 and many others.
I think that Halo 3 will survive a little bit better than Halo 2 did because Reach is incredibly different from the previous Halo game. This means that all of the people that don't like Reach or are frustrated because they can't get used to it will go back to Halo 3. Halo 3's population will probably drop by around 65-85%, but it will still be playable.
I think it died the second someone posted a thread about Halo 3 in the gaming section rather than the Halo 3 section.
It won't die. I'll still want to go back and play some h3 once in a while... maybe a lot of the time. i think it will be more popular than halo 2 was after h3 came out as someone said above, why is this not in the halo discussion area?
Bahahahah, true dat. Hey dudes, if Halo 3 couldn't kill Halo 2 or Halo 1, what makes you think Reach will be able to kill Halo 3? I mean, just a thought, but people still played H2 and H1 and they were on another console entirely. H3 will still have it's followers. Redundant thread is redundant.