Sandbox Obama on President's Day

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Arctic Hunter, Jul 14, 2010.

  1. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    First off I would like to tell everyone my Rgeneration Map Pack is coming out soon and this is an extra map I made a while ago and just wanted to get something out.

    This map is a VIP map based off of an assassinate the president type game. The game consists of two seperate teams. The President and his Security, and the (Assassins). The President is in great danger and the Security must escort him to a safe and far place.

    Download Gametype: : Halo 3 File Details

    Download Map: : Halo 3 File Details

    Some of these pictures explain the overview of the map...


    This is were the President and his Security spawn


    There are three weapons on a shelf for Security to help defend the VIP


    The VIP can run up onto the stage and grab the Custom Powerup if he chooses to get a little more speed


    There is also a Deployable Cover that can be used for the VIPs on protection on the stage (This is the point where the President gets killed the most)


    The Security is to grab the Hog and drive the President (President can only drive passenger


    There are more vehicles in the back for other Security if the choose

    The Security must drive the President through the course to add a twist to the game (Sorry picture wouldnt work)


    The Security that are not escorting the President can walk this other Route and try and kill the Assassins


    After that they must take the President up the Escape Ramp to the roof of one of the buildings


    Oh look you have found a Hornet and your way out of here


    The landing Pad is just outside and once you get there you recieve points (After given the points you are to run into the Gurdians Zone so you die, and this will not subtract a point from your score)


    The Assassins spawn in one of these four buildings (The blocks below the buildings is the Route that you have to take the VIP on)


    There are Snipers at every window of the buildings for the Assassins to get a clear shot at the President


    Also there are planks that connect the buildings for quick movement by the Assassins

    *Note: This map is almost easy to escape, so play the game fair and there wont be any problems with the gameplay

    **Note: On the picture with the Landing Pad it might look croocked, and that is because the sand is on a slant

    ***Note: After a VIP dies it does not end the round and another player becomes the VIP so be aware
  2. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    I have to ask...

    Simply because I can't help myself...

    Is the VIP black?

    As for the map, I like the clear urban layout.
    Looks like prime ground for snipers and such.
  3. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    The VIP is black, but I made him black because Obama is, and I took the most recent president for the game
  4. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This has been done, but I must say its so much funnier with Obamas name in it, NOT BECAUSE HES BLACK, just cuz I cant stand him. While the game could be fun, you could have at least took the time to make the map clean. That shows impatience and after seeing that it makes me think you most likely didnt take the time to focus on spawns, and weapon adjustments and other important stuff. I mean walls were just thrown together on top of each other, thats so sloppy. It makes it look bad.
  5. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    I do agree with you completely it is sloppy. Before I wasnt that great of a forger and I made this a while ago and wanted to post something before my map pack comes out. So I took it and posted it. All I wanted to do was post something even though I could have took the time to touch it up.
  6. BloodBender97

    BloodBender97 Forerunner

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    Seeing as my computer won't load screenshots, I got warned for spam, and I like the idea of this map, I will HAVE to write out a full post. So anyway, I definitely prefer the idea of this over the original Obama VIP games. Escorts are more fun than just killing the VIP in my opinion(but I like them mixed together.) Although I am not too huge a fan of VIP, I would definitely dl this. (Not just to say "DIE 'BAMA!") So sorry if anyone sees this as spam, but you definitely got a dl from me.
  7. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The Gametype seem fun but the map looks very sloppy and very breakable. If you look at spots like these




    You could have deffinitly made the map look alot cleaner an neater by merging alot of the objects in the pictures above. because it accualty looks kind of lazy in a few parts.

    I would also higher the barriers because in spots like this.


    It looks super easy to break out, almost takng no effort to do so.
  8. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    I explained that before yes its sloppy but I made this awhile ago and wantedc to get something out. i am working on my map pack and had no time for that kind of work on the map. I also warned you about people escaping, which I said the gameplay would be more fun if you fallow the rules. The VIP have literally no jump also so I would be very hard for him to break out.
  9. ringOFtones

    ringOFtones Ancient

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    The map looks pretty fun to play but it looks very... rushed. I would go back and even out rough spots and maybe if you have enough $ you could expand the buildings on the border

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