Hi there this is Shadow and i have an Idea using Asset, Even tho i haven't Play asset ever i love how its a 1 Base protect and attack style so i Plan on making one and i Might need some Help or Maybe Scrap the Idea. The Poll here will say to Scrap it or Finish it... Your Choice ! EDIT 1 ) It has a Center Piece that looks Cool (I Guess) and well Pics should Do it when im 10% Done
Might be worth describing your idea to us first, or get some basic sketches etc done. We can't vote on nothing :S
I'll get some Pics when i get Up and maybe get some Progress Going on it 2morrow So in 8 Hours Pics will be Up
The asset can also be used in an escort style so its not just a 1 base protect and attack style. Also MOAR info or nobody is gonna vote.
To be completely honest with you, if you've never actually played Asset, you're map will probably end up like crap. Try to play a few Asset games on a few different maps and observe the way each map is set up to work with the Asset gametype. After you do that, then Forge your idea. Trust me, your map will turn out a lot better if you experience Asset for yourself first. I vote you finish the map... but not yet.
I Watched Videos about Asset lol from Youtube and i have a Good idea of what it will be + I Used Rifle Gifles Asset Canvas Credit to him and will Hopefully Be good (Once im done playing DeadRising)
Just letting you know now that the asset 'protect and attack' style is overused (just look at the asset maps list).