Sorry, but you can use Bungie as an image host (Image embedding tutorial in spoiler) Spoiler Step 1. While connected to xbox live, take pictures of your map Step 2. Go onto Step 3. Go to your Halo 3 Service Record thingy Step 4. Click 'Screenshots (number)' Step 5. Save your pictures Step 6. Upload them to Imageshack Step 7. If you uploaded all of them at once, open a new tab, copy the link below one of the pics in the 1st tab and paste it into the second tab Step 8. Open a new tab, and start a new thread in the Halo 3 Maps section (or if you already had it open, just go to it) Step 9. Copy the Direct link from the 2nd imageshack tab, go to your map thread (still posting), click the little mountain icon, and paste it into that mini-window Step 10. Repeat Copying the link below the pic in the 1st imageshack tab, pasting that into the 2nd imageshack tab, copying the direct link, and pasting it into your map post until your map post is done