Evergreen Trail [jumpto=link]Download[/jumpto] Created by: RunawayMongoose (ApAcHe Mongoose) Map Canvas: Avalanche Lap Time: Approximately 43 Seconds Description: Since we're well into the winter season, and most of us feeling the cold, Evergreen Trail brings you a snow filled world no matter where you live. Evergreen Trail is, obviously, a racetrack on Avalanche that bases itself around the map's scarce evergreen trees. I feel the map does a good job of capturing the wintry feeling and also makes nice use of the trees themselves. It has a 43 second lap time and plays well for Raceway and certain Battle Tracks variants. Not too much was put into this map's Battle Tracks side, it is merely meant to be a map to race on. However, it is very fun for Battle Snipes. Pictures: Overview: [aname=link][/aname] Download: Evergreen Trail Raceway Battle Snipes
Now this is only from the pictures. I think the map looks very fun and enjoyable. I can see a few bumps from the pictures but where they are isn't affecting the driver as it is downhill. I like your use of the terrain in the map, and how it is a nice and sloped track. The map needs a bit of work but not even enough to call it a V2. I'll be back with more after I play it, you have my D'L.
I actually really like the look of this. I'm a big fan of terrain tracks, and this looks pretty nice. Good variation in both width of track and type of turns. Looks like a pretty good length too. I especially like that you used the narrow area underneath the bridge, That should make for some interesting races. Im definitely going to Dl this and give it a go. Good job
This is amazing. I tried it out and it makes me feel like im racing in real life, doing a WORCS/mx/trail race. I hope Reach has maps with thicker tree sections and rock sections so we forgers can make REAL trail riding.
Actually, it goes perfectly with the map. An evergreen tree is a tree that keeps its greenness (hence the name, evergreen) throughout the entire year, wheter it is winter or summer, fall or spring. Also, if you pay attention to the actual avalanche map, there are plenty of evergreen trees scattered around. Sooooo..... .....ya.
Great looking Race Map. High marks on the pics alone. DL'd this map to get a feel for how you used the map to create the track. In the process of making my own avalanche race; however, slightly perplexed on how to create a start/ finish line. Any insight would be most appreciated. Hope to get some racing in this weekend....