Puzzle/Jump YouTube- Paradox Challenge Halo3 Map: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Game Type: Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details
Not bad at all, could be cleaner but the puzzle tricks seem like will be fun and not too hard to figure out. I also liek how it is VIP style compared to Oddbal style ones, this way, you have to go in a certin direction.
I actually already downloaded this. (I was searching puzzles/jumps) It's pretty fun, the jumps are a little easy though. The puzzles are pretty good and I see potential for an even better map along the way.
I remember playing this when you showed me it. I finished it, no problem. (In forge) Although it seems that you've added a bit to it compared to when I played it. And what did you name it? Cause I don't think you named it Puzzle/Jump. Also, to anyone who hasn't played it, don't watch the video first. It's practically a guide.