anyone know how? the regular light jumps us about 1 and a half double box. i want it to jump 3. do you think i could hold another one slightly above it? is there any other way? please and thanks.
A man cannon can get that kind of height. You could definitely use two grav lifts to do it. You could mount it on weapon holder or a teleporter node.
Conversely, you could flip the whole map upsidedown, so people don't even have to use a gravlift to get to the top.
Yes a mancannon shoots you pretty far, but sometimes it shoots you up way too far. So you then would have to put an angled object to shoot you towards the platform/floor that you are trying to land on so that you don't go to far.
I've been trying to make a decent lift in my map recently, and it is really annoying trying to get the lift size right and making it so you can't come back down the lift. Which, right now, is a major issue.