I know that perhaps a few people have already started similar threat, but I just felt like making one of my own. So on with the point. Back when Halo 3 first came out I really liked the game. As time passed, I grew more and more obsessed with the game. Eventually, I got to the point where I did nothing but play Halo 3. that is until Call of Duty 4 came out. Then my gaming time was divided 50/50 between both games. This countinued until MW2 came out. I then quickly replaced Halo 3 with it. I do go back and play from time to time but I don't really get into it. I know that with the upcoming games coming this year, the chances of me playing Halo 3 are going to diminished. So my question to you guys and gals is: Once the new games come out this year, will you ever play Halo 3 again, or just keep it to remember the good times?
I think I'll still play it. For old times' sake. There are still plenty of cool maps in the world of forge now and possibly in the future. So, I'll be sure to keep it from collecting to much dust.
This probably belongs in Halo Discussion. Anyways. It probably will if Reach is as good as Bungie promises. If it is, then Halo 3 will be like Halo 2: only a few thousand playing in a week.
I'm done with Halo, with all its MLG try hards and ****. It was a great game, but with great games even greater games, thus making this once great game die out. I may still play it for customs and the OCCASIONAL forge, but im completely done with it.
MW2 has completely replaced Halo in my gaming career. I've tried going back to Halo. I just can't get back into it.
Halo 3 was very popular, and is the only Halo game with equipment and the only one with multiplayer Dual Wielding, also lots of people have it. It'll "die off" as such, but it'll have more then a "few thousand a week". Also, alot of Halo 3 achievs are needed for Waypoint and it's Awards.
MW2 is perfect proof that anyone will play a sequel pumped out by a company, but loyal fans will stick it out (CoD4 and WaW still have some players). I think Halo 3 will still have life like Halo 2 did even 'till its dieing day. What Reach might lack could be what Halo 3 offers. Time will tell, don't get ahead of yourself. I personally only play the occasional custom, and have been very neglectful of my Forge projects.
Reach will be so drastically different than Halo 3 that I'm sure a lot of people will prefer Halo 3 over Reach. I think Halo 3 will have more people playing it than any other game with a sequel has up to this point.
I think it depends on if Reach has forge or not. Or depending on what other new games have to offer in the future. At the moment though the multiplayer has one thing that no other game has, diversity. Because of Forge the game is more than just a standard first persion shooter. Just have a look around this community. You have race maps, puzzle maps, picture op maps, machinima maps, different game types and map varients that allow for games like Clue to be played. I've even seen a map and game varient where someone tried to recreate the feel of World of Warcraft. Halo 3 offers a variety of gameplay all on the same disk that no other game offers at the moment. So it's lifespan will really be determined by factors we don't know about yet because the developer comunity has control of the situation. If they create games that have the same variety then it's possible that it will die out. However the Halo franchise will always be remembered as the catalyst for such games being made.
Halo 3 will always live on. Halo 3 was a one of it's kind. I will sure as heck still play it. Honestly, I still play Halo: Combat Evolved.
Lol jk huntar just teasing you cus i am one of those 'MLG tryhards' The people who really need to hate are all those douchebags who commit suicide while you go positive 17 and still lose... On topic now; Halo 3 is going out with a bang. Its not going to slowly wither and die, bungie is probably going to do some heavy **** right before the end of its life to celebrate reach. And it will be spectacular. I still beleive that other than halo 2, no game made can compete with halo 3's multiplayer. Ever. Some games are about shooting, some games are about dexterity and movement, but halo is the only one that is about simply intellegence. Its beautiful.
Halo 3 had to be alive to die Halo CE is a great game, that's the reason people still play it, Halo 3 on the other hand just lives from the name, without halo in it, it would have been a decent shooter with nothing we haven't seen before, better. Without forge and MLG, I would have sold my disc long ago
I feel Halo 3 died a long time ago; somewhere between Call of Duty WaW and MW2. But what many mean by "died" can be misinterpreted. When I say a game is dead, what I mean is, basically everyone who is not involved in a website, clan, or other similar activity involving the game, does not play it anymore. This means that the general population of the game is made up of people like us. The other 25% or so of people playing are made up of those that can't afford any other games, play the game as a tradition of some sort because all their friends have it, or are just popping it in for old times sake. So is Halo 3 "dead"? I think so. The only people on my friends list that play the game are those from here, or those who I just met a few days earlier ON the game. However, this certainly does not mean nobody plays it anymore. Halo 3 will go down as a classic, and I think we can expect it to be one of the games revisited and remolded for future consoles, much like the classics we see in the arcade section today, like Doom. I believe 15 years or so from now, you will be able to download Halo 3 and play it on a dedicated server as an arcade game.
Halo 3 is fun, and always will be. But it's just getting old, and with new games coming out I definitely think it will have a really low population(like the 14-20 thousand that play cod4). I will still pop it in for any achievements, or for nostalgia, but not very often. It's kind of sad in a way, so many good memories. Ah wow I can believe i said that lol.
All games 'die off' although that can depend on your understanding of the term. For instance I say Asteroids may have died off, but I still play it. This term I believe is referring to the pupularity of a game, and not the actual story. Like Mario, millions of people still don't play it, but everyone remembers World 1-1. Is it still 'dead' if 1 person plays it?
Halo 3 will die after people somewhat forget about the game. The word dead should not be used in this instance.. When a game is dead it means nobody plays it. Just like anything else in the world that is dead. It just sits there without doing anything. Halo 3 will not die until I think 5 years after Reach's exsistence. Ive always hated Call of Duty because to me they are just add ons and everything feels the same. So from now until Halo: Reach im playing halo 3. After REach comes out I will play Halo 3 about ounce a week I think.