The maps is a small symmetric map built in the skybox. Right now it's about 75% done, with most if not all of the main structures built already. All that needs to be added are railings, aesthetic pieces, weapons, spawns, and objectives. Don't plan on this map being out until maybe a week or two, as I plan on doing some extensive testing. Anyways, on to the picture itself. The view here is of the center area which I'm calling the courtyard (as of now at least). You can see the ramps heading up to the top of the base, and the two bridges connecting the tops and the interiors of the bases. Rockets spawn up to in the middle and a spartan laser spawns on the carpet-merged diamond. Well, that's all. Please post some comments and name suggestions below ^_^
Isn't a laser useless on a map with no vehicles? I think you should transfer the rocket to the carpet and put a sniper up top instead. As for the name...maybe add a few floors and call it Elevate.
Never have two power weapons such as a splazer and rockets on the same map. It will end up like high ground, and nobody wants that. In fact, this map seems small enough that you shouldnt even have two heavy power weapons in the middle. Try putting a plasma pistol on the bottom, and if you insist rockets on the top. And ive got plenty of names, but i need them for my maps so i wont share! ;D
Are you looking to get zapped by the lord almighty? lulz, the map looks good so far but I agree with yoyo, you should switch out the Splazer for rockets. From what I can see the walk ways seem too narrow, the laser would dominate. Not saying rockets couldn't, however they have a larger margin for error, you know?
A laser can be quite the powerful tool in the right hands. I don't really consider a one shot kill to be useless, even with the charge time. I also feel that a sniper up top would dominate, due to the height advantage and the cover. I have taken your post and others into consideration. I will most likely remove on of the power weapons. I'll probably remove the laser and put the rockets there in order to prevent people from camping up top, which I'm very concerned about. I might put either an active camo up top or the plasma pistol as you suggested. I've read your weapon guide and it's been very helpful with placement of some of the less-powerful weapons, so I'd like to here your thoughts on this. Normally I'd go all the way with the plasma pistol, but I'm still a bit concerned about them being overpowered in the bases which are quite close quartered.
Nah, 90% of people are too scared to use a plasma pistol, and the few that arent wont rush it so that wont be a problem. Its a great weapon, and one of my favorites, and its perfect for situations like this. That, or a mauler/needler. But in reality, whatever you think works best in the testing is what should go there. I dont know the rest of your map, so the best idea would be some medium power weapon down the bottom, with rockets up top.
I do plan on testing a whole lot, so I'll try all the different options. Thanks a lot for your help and thanks everyone for your posts so far.
Don't put two weapons in the center period, if you really insist on it then put which ever is better on bottom. However you realize as long as there's two it's easy as grabbing one and dropping down to achieve the other? Even a power up is kinda risky, try a piece of equipment like a bubble shield or a regenerator. Perhaps if you place a powerup but Place At Start No so that it's not burned/abused in the opening rush.
Looks good, I would recommend taking out the laser and putting a bubble shield there instead. And I assume from the picture it's possible to jump from the color columns to the middle bridge to the top? And as for map names go, Courtyard sounds good.
I think it's just stretching it, but maybe a rocket launcher on top and a custom os on the bottom. That way if they stop and go for the rockets, they can easily get team shot by the opposing team before they have time to get down to the custom OS. And if they go for the OS, they still have to go up for the rockets. Either way its going to be hard to get both.
To be honest, I cant really suggest much for the map as I cant see it. From what I can see, I think the Energy Sword would be a perfect weapon for this map. It's fairly indoorsy, good height variance for drop down lunges and it wont be too overpowering as the player will tend to stick to the more close quarter areas. Rockets on the other hand can dominate all over from close quarter to mid range combat (although, the longer the range, the larger the error margin becomes) As for a name, Swordbase?
It is possible to jump from the columns to the middle jump, but it requires a crouch jump. While this would solve the problem, I would prefer to not have to make separate gametypes. I'm hoping I can get this map to play well with multiple gametypes, so this would become a hassle for both me and the downloaders. --- Just wanted to show progress on the map guys. Here's a picture of the same area as the first one. You can see a lot has changed. First off, rockets are now on bottom, with a plasma pistol on top and a bubble shield on the second bridge. This encourages movement between levels and hopefully deter from people camping on the top. Secondly there's been a new section added. The slanted gold column leads up to this new section. It really adds some much needed complexity to the map. Lastly there's a structure inbetween the two bases to cut off some of the long lines of sight between the top sections. Also, I've narrowed down the name to a few possibilities. Raze- The opposite of construct. The map really has a few similarities with construct just from the formation of the lifts. Oracular/spectacular- Originally going to be "oracular spectacular" after the MGMT album. I need to chose one or the other due to space. Phobos- ONe of mars' moons. I just like the name.