ya its pretty much br. all i gotta do is toss a nade or steal a kill or just land head shots on a guy chargin wit ar
Well, let me go check Halo3.junk.ws... Here's my top ten used weapons: Melee 1,267 Assault Rifle 853 Rocket Launcher 586 Energy Sword 444 Plasma Grenade 435 Shotgun 422 Ghost 376 Gravity Hammer 356 Guardians 348 Machine Gun 246 Lol... I had no idea I used the rocket launcher that much... I guess all that Santrap, Standoff, Rat's Nest, and Avalanche uber-pwning actually made a difference. Lol... I really perfer splatters with the Ghost, so Ghost is my weapon of choice. GRENADE OF CHOICE: Plasma grandes all the way! Look: RANDOM STATS: Lol... I sure love splattering. And, I use those stickies that I love so much well, don't worry:
Even if I tried, I wouldn't be able to get BR outside of my top 10. How do you manage in BR start games? It is amazing how you have more guardians, turret, and sticky kills than BR.
Well I have no idea how I have tons of turrets, but I play a lot of BTB maps with vehicle mayhem. Stickies, because I am pretty good at sticking and I wouldn't be caught dead without a plasma grenade. And the reason I don't have BR is because, quite frankly, I suck with it. I switch it out with any better (in my opinion) weapon at the first chance I have. I am trying to get better, but it would have helped if I played Halo 2 Online, but I am still trying to get my BR skills up. I barely ever use it as of now...
I use the BR because it notifies you when you are locked on to your targets head/ and its the Weapon of the Gods
OH! I get your name! its fly-mingo! a cool, hip flamingo! lolcat sorry, i just had to put it out there
My tool of destruction is the BR (about twice as much as any other weapon) but my favorite weapon is the laser (about 800 ranked kills with it). Also, I have twice as many laser kills as sniper headshots, does that make me a bad sniper, good laserer, or all of the above?
Do you realize that you've posted twice? and, that you're saying you're good with all the weapons, in the game?
woot! my sniper just passed up my assult rifle for kills!!! EDIT: i just played like four games and my sniper passed up my AR by twenty
Although, my AR is currently my tool of destruction, I intend to pass it up with the Splazer very soon. It's my favorite weapon and I've pulled off some incredible kills with it. What sets me apart from most Splazer users is that I use it like a sniper rifle, picking off individuals from across the map.
Mine is the sword, and unlike some people I use strategy to get my kills not just a blind-sighted rush. My "official tool of destruction" is my bare fists!lol
Br... I like noscoping from mongooses though. I usually do when I get shotty/snipes on a level with a mongoose or warthog.
The Brute Shot is the most versatile weapon in the game, hands down. For several reasons: It rivals the mauler in close range Effective in mid-range Can fend vehicles Boosts jumping power By far my favorite weapon in Halo 3. I would say BR/Brute Shot is the best overall combo in the game (if you take out rockets and sniper).
Melee, shotty, BR and AR would be it but when it comes to kills, nothing beats me and a 1-ton fist lol. Although its usually, shoot, shoot, shoot... run, run, SLAM! so technically it should be AR but w/e, I like beating people down. Thats just how I roll.