You know this would be really sweet. I personally use "The Flood" as an infection gametype for a lot of my Halo Universe maps. The cenematic would be sick for Reach. I am hoping for a forge mode linked to firefight-you defender spawns/enemy dropship DZ. Imagine making your own epic map, and being able to defend it from covenant with your buddies! Anyway we'll see what happens with it.
Ive had my fingers crossed for a while and I've heard rumors on that they ARE going to do this AND I hear you can make your own invasion and firefight maps on halo reach. !!THIS WILL BE AWESOME!!
Sorry to ignore almost everything else said, but yes I do(hours of them actually. >_<.) I absolutely hated(and loved) 343 Guilty Spark in Halo CE, That mission was near IMPOSSIBLE, it was Halo's twist on Zelda(this may have been because I was little.) But really, campaign aside, I would love to have flood fight on my map. Yea, I can smell the zombah stains now...
If you read the whole thread, that has already been stated. People are talking about the idea of having them in multiplayer and customs anyways
i have to say that flood in a multiplayer gametype for "halo: reach" sounds a little like the multiplayer for "left 4 dead 2", either way, an infection gametype involving flood would be awesome if it did was a separate category of infection from the regular infection that we all know and love.
Although it hasn't been confirmed, I'd expect Infection to be included in Reach. The Living Dead Double Experience Weekend always gets alot of players so I don't Bungie would have any interest in removing it.
What if the space combat level is one of the later ones (like 70-80% into the game or so), and then you're about to re-dock into the station... only for the Corvette to show up, forcing you and the rest of Noble Team to board the ship. You all enter at different areas (You/Jorge, Carter/Kat, Jun/Emile, though I'm just guessing who's with who), and eventually all meet up. You then discover that the Corvette is one of several ships after the Pillar of Autumn, at which point the ship makes a slipspace jump to the Halo. At some point on the ship, you end up encountering Zealot Ship Master-ranked Arbiter (the Halo 2/3 one), and one of the members, possibly Emile, stays back to hold him off. Once you arrive at the Halo, you and the rest of your squad engage in some kind of final suicide mission to allow Chief to keep on fighting on the Halo.
That would explain (This map's) Spoiler Blood Gulch's tie in with the 'multiplayer areas in campaign' rule. If you really haven't see the deja view Vidoc, I suggest not thinking about it too much.
I will have to admit your idea sounds pretty cool but I think nearly everyone came up with e ida of playing as the flood in infection when it came out. And to be honest i hated the flood cause they are annoying as hell especially when u shoot their arms off and all they do is follow you around. Oh and i wouldn't want it in camaign as the last level would probably involve them if the flood are in the campaign and then you would have to re-do thew same last level from Halo 1 and Halo 3
Everybody saw the update right? Did the green haze armor effect look a little... 'floody' to anyone else? I was thinking that it could be used as a forced armor effect, as the beta juggernaut shared similar traits with the flaming head, presumably a player appearance trait.
The evidence of the flood appearing in this game is piling up. I don't quite think we're done with the menace yet.
Imagine A nondescript installation that has long ago succumbed to the parasite you spawn on an almost barren hill, a familiar green haze with familiar pale spores in the air. Several symmetrical forerunner buildings with miry tentacles sprawling over their surfaces are your only source of cover. You spawn from black with the initial loadout: a shotgun and a magnum, as other weapons must be salvaged from the remains of the horse you rode in on. You see a Covenant cruiser diagonally inside a distant rock formation, a large plume of purple smog confirms the absence of it's functionality (and allows for infected covenant to encounter.). You hear a Gravemind menacingly laugh in the distance as Jeff Steitzer melodically announces: "Firefight!" Yus.
actually your pretty close if you read "the first strike" it saysthat they DID only glass part of the planet and THEY WERE looking for forerunner artifact BUT there was no flood sorry just about everything right except for the main point lol
The flood may be in the campain on like the last level, 99% chance that there not though. I love versing the flood their challaging.