i have just realized that i have never truly given an introduction. most of you probably already know me from the lolbox but for those of you that don't, im am the Virus (GT: Virus11010). if any of you would like to join me with forging or help with your maps please tell me. i love forging and i love seeing work that i at least helped with, no matter what the map is. :ninja: :ninja: Good vs. Evil
Lol, well ive been here over a year and still havent properly introduced myself Im saving it for when i finally pull off a third notable thing to go with GMing and the massive Weapons Tut. I will have the best introduction evah!
No, go to your user cp (button at the top) and along the left there will be a button that says 'edit signture.' Thats how you correctly insert a sig. It should not be something you have to type every time.
It really doesnt matter, because you are still posting them in the wrong place. You should put them in your actual signiture. And if you send me a pic i can make a version of the second taht isnt all stupid looking text-wise....
YES!! YOU DID YOURE SIG CORRECT!!! Just imbed it like you were previously, except in a pm or something and ill get it to you as soon as i can.