Should TS become Team BR?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Y35 <3, Apr 28, 2008.

  1. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Original post found :Here

    Sorry about the poll, you must vote at the original post for it to matter/count :(

    Poll: Should Bungie Permanently Replace Slayer(TS) with Slayer BRs(TS BRs)
    Vote Results

    Dear Bungie Community

    I have been having a problem lately with the recent ratio adjustments to the playlists. Usually in lone wolves if there was an objective game going to start the majority could veto and get slayer brs. However lately that has not been the case.Lately I have been getting nothing but Team Slayer and Slayer. I personally think Slayer is flawed and Slayer BRs would bring better and more balanced gameplay but lately I have not been able to win a match because of regular slayer games. I spawn with the assault rifle run out look for a BR and spend valuable time and risk my life just searching for a br. My last game I recall was Slayer on High Ground and it was probably the worst game I ever played in my Halo 3 history. It deeply bothers me how bungie assumed that the assault rifle was a better spawn weapon.

    Does anybody remember why Halo CE Multiplayer was such a hit? It was because you had 2 weapons at spawn. One that could douse away the enemy shields and another that could penetrate the Mark V Helmet and land you a killing blow. In halo 2 they introduced a revolutionary rifle that made the game far more balanced and more sensible. Today we have an improved assault rifle which still lacks far too much to be deemed the "Ultimate Spawn Weapon". This is clearly not the case.

    Spawning with the assault rifle AND battle rifle would be far more better because you aren't limited to sheer AR rushing. You have better opportunities and better chances of getting kills by having both weapons at spawn.

    These are my opinions if you can prove me wrong and show me with valid proof please.
  2. The Effected

    The Effected Ancient
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    Yes they should because some people prefer the br while others prefer AR and this way you can at least scope a little when you start.
  3. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    Since I am a competitive player, I would love that. IMO, the BR is much more balanced and skillful. I don't have a problem with AR's and other "noob" weapons on the map to satisfy casual player, but we should at least get a long range weapon to save ourselves from the garbage spawn system. I find myself not vetoing any maps with BR start no matter how bad the map. It is one of the reasons that I can't get to 50 and is the reason why I only play MLG.

    The only issue that I see with that is some casual players will think Bungie is trying to make it too competitive and mimicking the MLG playlist. I guess as long as they leave the AR as secondary both parties are happy.
  4. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Lol, I know what you mean cause I play with you. And yes, they should definately make it all BR starts, it is ten times more fun in a match will BR starting weapons.
  5. xXmooregamesXx

    xXmooregamesXx Ancient
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    I like the AR, but I need to start using the BR. I am just a casual player, but BR skills would really improve my game. I just do it for fun, but I would love to pwn everyone. Right now, I would say I am an above-average player, but I could be a really good player if I had BR. So, just wait until I get good to switch over. No, JK. Lol... I say it should be BR start and AR secondary, then I will be happy either way.
  6. Hashmeer

    Hashmeer Ancient
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    I feel that the BR should replace TS, just because im a more of a competitive gamer. IMO <---
  7. E93

    E93 Guest


    Team BRs is a great gametype, but TS without Shotty Snipers would suck .....pie.
  8. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    Well, Team Snipers and Shotty Snipes are kind of in a different category. I think they are just referring to normal old slayer BR or no.

    I don't mind team snipers unless it is on big maps like last resort or valhalla because it hardly takes any skill. Your hiding spot is more important than skill on big maps, and all people do is slow snipe. I love a team snipers game on The Pit or Guardian because of quick scopes and no scopes, which are much more skillful and exciting.

    II ZERO II Guest

    definetly br is so tight and takes for skill i do not like ar i think its a cheap way to kill this is my opnion
  10. super trooper88

    super trooper88 Ancient
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    BRs are better than ARs in every single way, but having an all BR team slayer playlist would be almost too close to MLG, even though it is completely different. I think that they should reduce the number of normal slayer games and increase the frequency of team BRs and team snipers in the team slayer playlist.

    I would love to have an all BR playlist along with team snipers mixed in.
  11. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    Yeah, that was my only concern that people would complain about it being too similar to MLG. But in reality, the only thing similar would be BR. There would still be team snipers, equipment, explosives, radar, no objective, etc. I think the frequency should be turned up a bit, but if you ever get slayer, a veto takes care of that. Unfortunately, if it is a good map like Pit, people won't veto a normal slayer match because its The Pit.
  12. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    I don't agree with anyone who said yes. I like my AR and BR. Personally, it shouldn't matter what weapon you spawn with, if you can kill with it, it's an effective weapon. Most of the time, I usually have BR and AR with me. That is a deadly combo, but people who love the BR or love the AR will miss out on being a better player. Sometimes I use one SMG then the AR, or I switch out my BR for a Carbine. Using every weapon effectively makes you a good player. One time, I was closing in on someone with my BR and as he turned toward me running and gunning. I only got hit once. I switched to my AR and took him down, without my shield even depleting, and he was pretty good, really good actually, but he didn't know how to use is weapons correctly. What I'm trying to get at is that if Bungie has BR starts, I hope that they wouldn't get rid of the AR. Oh, and one other thing, it doesn't matter how good you are with the BR, if they are a good player, the AR will ALWAYS win at close range.
  13. heelflip360

    heelflip360 Ancient
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    Yes I do. I think BRs should be in TS instead of just Assualt Rifles. I hate those things.
  14. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    I disagree. I find it ironic how I am being told to use AR and SMG to become a better player. With Halo's garbage spawn system, you can't start with any weapon. You have to have a long range weapon to save your @$$, especially on big maps. If Bungie made a BR start slayer playlist, they would never not include an AR, so you don't have to worry about that. If a guy can only hit you once with a BR when you are AR'ing him, that tells me something about your competition.

    On your last comment, it doesn't matter how good the AR person is because anyone can use it. You can get 4 shots with the BR before you can get the other person one shot with AR and then, shoot them with about 10 more shots to finish them. BR is superior in every way.

    Edit: Sorry if I sounded like an @$$. Something about that post struck a nerve.
  15. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    It's ok. You have your opinion. Although I'm not trying to tell you that you should have an AR and a SMG, I'm saying that you should switch up the weapons sometimes (Swap AR for SMG). I would also have to disagree with you about the BR is better in every way, because like I said, AR will win, always, in extremely close range. I know Generals and MLG players that don't always four shot when an AR is in their face. I'll also include that BR's are plentiful. It's hard not to find one on a map as it was stated in a different topic I've seen on ForgeHub. I also agree with some people that BR starts will easily destroy most of the diversity in Halo 3's matchmaking. I would also like to say that although BR people like their BR, there's nothing worse than getting pelted across the map by a BR. It's really annoying especially when it's random and you're getting Spawn Killed... I would also like to say that every weapon can combat a different weapon if you good with that weapon. One spiker can beat an AR if used properly. A Energy Pistol can beat a Sword if done right. All I'm saying is that every weapon takes skill. I'll end on this note: A pistol in a skilled players hand is worth more than rockets in an unskilled players hand.
  16. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    I hate the AR because even if you're really good w/ the br and you're being charged up close with an AR person you usually CAN'T win. If you can damage them with a nade before than if you're skilled it works, but the nicest thing about halo 1 was that you could still manage a sick three shot that took alot of skill and win the duel.

    My biggest problem with ARs is that they simply don't produce interesting gameplay. They also incourage beat-downs which are still pretty retarded.

    BRs FTW
  17. a dumb cat

    a dumb cat Ancient
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    The AR is a balanced weapon. In case you didn't realize, the bullets from an AR do more damage than a BR bullet.

    --In close range (less than 10 meters), AR beats BR hands down.

    --Mid-range (10-20 meters), AR equals BR because you can "burst-shoot" the AR to keep the spray to a minimum. This takes skill, and a skilled AR user will beat an average BR user. A skilled AR user vs. a skilled BR user is a toss up, though.

    At distances of greater than 20 meters, the BR has an undeniable advantage.

    To makes things completely fair, everyone should start with BOTH an AR and BR. Each weapon has its tailored uses, and it makes sense to have both equipped.

    Seriously, who would go into battle with only 1 weapon anyways?

  18. HITtheLIGHTZ

    HITtheLIGHTZ Ancient
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    Balanced, maybe. Fun and interesting to use, not at all.

    What you're saying is BR and AR starts would be good which is still better than the standard slayer with just AR starts (1 weapon). I'd be fine with that.
  19. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    yes that is what i'm trying to say
    i'm NOT saying replace all TS games with team br, i'm saying replace normal team slayer games with team br. if you get what i'm saying, sorry its kinda hard to word it right lol
  20. XxTexasHornxX

    XxTexasHornxX Ancient
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    I think the any weapon can out match any weapon in a certain situation is true for the most part. The only except is a pro with a sniper. They can't be touched in mid-long range, and they are so good at no scoping that they use it like a shotgun.

    That is exactly my point. Since the spawn system is so bad, when you only have an AR at start in open places, you get destroyed by player who have been alive and have BR's or Snipers. That is why all normal slayer games should have BR start and AR secondary to accommodate everyone.

    I still think that a BR can take down an AR in all situations if use properly. In extremely close range, you have to get the 4 shot, and you can win. They have to first get you one shot, which will make the AR player about 2 shot and the BR guy one shot. Then, if the beatdown isn't allowed, the BR guy can proceed to getting the last two shot, which will kill faster than the AR. This is in an ideal situation, and only pros can have a BR that is that consistent. Normally, players who use AR are less skilled, and even if you can't beat them with nothing else going on, you can outsmart them with a well placed grenade or a nice strafe to allow you to kill the AR player. In a situation with 2 players of my skill level with no extraneous variables, the AR player would most likely win the battle because I can only get 4 shots consistently on bad players. Overall, the BR is a much better weapon and better suited as a starting weapon in Halo because of the garbage spawn system.

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