CoD MW2 Ranking of Guns, Perks and Maps

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Phill3593, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    Guns (orange for underrated)
    1 Intervention - its fast, reliable, 1 hit kill, and hella fun if you just want to **** around no-scoping.
    2 LSW LMG - highest damage output of any full auto gun in the game, if you can tame the recoil. 2 bullets to kill with stopping power. +looks sick with fall or red tiger.
    3 F2000 - hip fires like a boss and it can hit targets extremely far away with burst fire. if you add extended mags, it gets a 2x awsome multiplier. +looks sick as ****
    4 G18 - hands down the best sidearm in the game. it has: a large clip, impressive damage output, small spray area, and impressive range. an akimbo'd G18 combo can dominate in almost any situation.
    5 AA12 - slap extended mags on it and you're set

    Stopping Power Pro
    Steady Aim Pro
    Hardline Pro
    Ninja Pro
  2. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
    Senior Member

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    -UMP45, Lightweight, accurate and deadly even at long distance in the right hands.
    -Thumper, You know you like, "THUMP, RELOAD, THUMP"
    -Intervention, Little recoil + ACOG sight
    -M9, it looks badass for one.
    -USP, I Akimbo trigger finger the HELL out of those weapons.

    -Marathon, Infinite sprint, COME ON!, it probably doesn't help that I only play FFA.
    -Lightweight, Same reason as Marathon.
    -Ninja, C'mon you know you like being a Silent Ninja... Oh I get it!
    -Pain Killer, (Its a perk... That you have to die for) Really? It's fun to be a little PK *****!
    -Steady Aim, Spray and Prey.

    -Crash, I like this rehash, good for rushing.
    -Terminal, it's a frikken airport... awesome.
    -Favela, I like how it's a 3-Way map.
    -Karachi, it was where I got my first Nuke.
    -Rust, because I know this annoys you.
  3. LD

    LD Ancient
    Senior Member

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    - UMP45 The best overall weapon, the UMP is the only weapon that doesn't suffer when using a Silencer on it and the only weapon that doesn't need Stopping Power (only difference: With Stopping Power 2 Shots at Short Range, without SP 3 Shots at short Range) at any other distance the UMP is always 3 shots. If you time your shots right you can easily kill a Sniper from the other side of the Map or win a medium range battle against someone using a AR. In the hands of a skilled player the UMP can do everything while giving you the freedom to use whatever you want as a Red Perk.

    - Throwing Knife Most underrated piece of equipment in the game, and if I see peolpe using it, they use it wrong. The Throwing Knife saved my ass several times when:
    Running out of Ammo Throwing your knife is always faster than switching to the pistol.
    Running out of time Sometimes, you know you'll die, in this case, don't shot and hurt the enemy, he'll recover, just throw a Knife in his face and he'll die too.
    Climbing Ladders You can use equipment while climbing, most people who tend to camp at the end of a ladder wait for you to climb up, while you throw your knife ..
    Planting a Bomb You can throw your knife while you are planting, it's hard but you can defend yourself.

    - FAL The FAL is not only great for people with modded Controllers, with holograpic (only holo!) and Stopping Power, the FAL is a 2 Shot Kill weapon at any range, making it the best AR in the game. It is the most accurate weapon because of the fire rate and you can spam your trigger in close combat.

    - Ninja Every of you classes should have Ninja, if you have every played against a Player with a decent Gaming Headset, you know why. Personally I have Turtle Beaches, I can hear you walking over a Metal surface from the other side of the Map.
    - Marathon Not only the unlimited sprint makes you unpredictable, the Pro version of this Perk is one of the best in the Game, you can take routes nobody expects you do take.
    - Sleight of Hand The faster reloading part is already very useful, but the faster scoping makes this perk the only option when using anything else than a SMG
    - Lightweight In combination with Marathon, you can take routes, a normal player couldn't, in Search you can plant the bomb within 10 seconds into the game and make trick jumps that will help you escape not only once
    - Cold Blooded You won't have to care about anything other than players, if you are not playing Barebones. Also, if you have a Stinger with you, you can easily make points while helping you team.

    none of them are really good
    #23 LD, Jul 6, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2010
  4. Klaydude11

    Klaydude11 Ancient
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    1. SCAR-H - High power and high accuracy but low clip size. Still epic
    2. ACR - High accuracy and high clip size but low damage.
    3. M16 - Probably the best assault rifle but the burst fire makes it a little difficult to handle
    4. SPAS - Pump makes it slower but it has low spread, high power, and great range.
    5. M9 - Like the best freaking pistol ever.

    1. Stopping power - More damage means more kills, duh.
    2. Bling - More attachments? Hellz yeah.
    3. Commando - More range for a knife makes it even better
    4. Marathon - It let's you run for freaking ever.
    5. Scavenger (Pro) - Gives more ammo and the bag thing only makes me say, "Bags, please?" in a mexican cleaning lady voice.

    I really can't pick a favorite. I really despise them all.
  5. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
    Senior Member

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    1. Barrett - It does everything an intervention can do but faster. What's not to love?
    2. M16 - It's got pinpoint accuracy with every bullet in each burst
    3. Deagle - One shot or six, it works. This gun is absurd.
    4. Scar - Reliable and accurate, she'll carry you through any prestige.
    5. Spas - The biggest middle finger in this game is a Spas to the face. It isn't even a reliable gun, but the lols this gun gives me...

    **** all perks, get rid of them all.

    1. Skidrow - the mix of close quarters and long range lines of sight make this ideal and balanced for any type of player.
    2. Terminal - Would be number 1 if it wasn't noob tube heaven.
    3. Favela - Straight out of predator II, full of urban building jumping and keeps you on your toes at all times. VERY underrated map.
    4. Quarry - Both spawns are evenly matched and it's got enough climbable terrain to make you feel like you're in a playground.
    5. NOT Karachi. I just wanted to point out how horribly put together this map is. Did you know there are 2 gun turrets? i didn't until like a week ago because this map is ****.
    5. Carnival - I liked this one since i first played on it, the call-outs are effective and easy for anybody to get. It's balanced according to the 6 times i've played it.
  6. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    1. MP5k

    The rate of fire and high damage makes it one of the best weapons at close range, and when you factor in it's above average hip fire it becomes one of the best SMGs in the game. It's main downsides are ammo consumption and the recoil, which makes it less effective at range but if you can pick your battles and control the tighter areas of the map, such as the center area of Skidrow and the buildings in Karachi, you can dominate (unless you encounter certain Shotguns.)

    Extended Mags and Scavenger with a handgun secondary is what I roll with on most small maps. If I'm rushing, I usually use the Red Dot with Marathon and Stopping Power with a Secondary PP2000 with Red Dot (it has the same damage, but a smaller magazine and less recoil.)

    2. AK-47

    My favorite Assault Rifle. Along with the TAR, it's more or less the only AR I can use without Stopping Power and not feel gimped. It's got great iron sights and any veteran of CoD4 who used this gun will feel right at home with it. It's high penetration makes getting kills with FMJ rather easy. Long range can be tricky if you fire full auto but if you fire in short bursts you shouldn't have a problem. The only thing that makes firing at distance difficult are the iron sights, because of the guns kick, but this can be prevented by using a different sight attachment.

    FMJ is probably the best attachment for this gun, considering it's high damage and already high penetration. With FMJ, it feels like the walls aren't even there.

    3. USP. 45

    Hands down the absolute best handgun in the game. It's got good damage and average hip fire but it really shines with Akimbo. Not only do you get a faster switch time with handguns, you also get more firepower with Akimbo AND a faster knife animation which is faster than the Tac Knife animation. Not to mention it's higher magazine size when compared to the other handguns (M9 is the only exception.)

    4. FAMAS

    Nothing much to say about this gun. It's got less damage drop off than the M16 and I'm pretty sure it has a higher rate of fire as well. It's also got a higher penetration. Not to mention the one burst ability when coupled with Stopping Power. It's only major drawbacks are the long reload and disadvantages at close range in comparison to most other guns. These problems can be solved easily by using a Shotgun Secondary (or Shotgun Attachment) and Sleight of Hand Pro.

    Whenever I use this gun, I almost always use the Red Dot or Holographic with Sleight of Hand Pro and the AA-12 secondary. I don't know which I like better in terms of the Red Dot and Holo sights, so I usually switch between them.

    5. WA2000

    The best Sniper Rifle hands down. The fact that you can get one shot kills with it while using a Silencer and Stopping Power or without a Silencer and any other tier 2 perk makes it much more flexible compared to the Intervention and Barret. It's only drawbacks are its magazine size and long draw time. No joke, it takes the longest time to switch to compared to any other weapon in the game.

    I usually run either a Silencer with Sleight of Hand Pro, Stopping Power Pro, and Ninja Pro, or Heartbeat Sensor with Sleight of Hand Pro, Cold Blooded Pro, and Ninja Pro. I never feel the need to use Steady Aim because whenever I hardscope (which I do a lot because I'm not a ******) I rarely need to hold breath for long anyway.


    1. Terminal

    Probably the only balanced map in the game. The size is nearly perfect and just about every weapon type can do well on this map. The only thing I hate about this map is the starting spawns. Rangers spawn gets a huge advantage compared to Spetsnaz on this map in just about every game mode. If the spawns were set to Spetsnaz spawning at Burger town and Rangers spawning next to Dreams, then it would probably play out much better.

    And that's it. All other maps are garbage. If Shotguns weren't a secondary weapon and Thermal wasn't an attachment then I would like a lot more maps but since that isn't the case, I hate just about everything else.
  7. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
    Senior Member

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    You just described the Barrett, but with drawbacks :p That part in bold, true for all snipers. Every sniper does the exact same amount of damage. The only difference is the way they shoot, and that comes down to personal preference. Do some private match testing, you'll be surprised because they all do feel completely different from one another.
    #27 CHUCK, Jul 7, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2010
  8. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    That isn't entirely true. The WA2000 functions exactly the same with a Silencer and Stopping Power as it would without either of the two. It doesn't get any benefits from Stopping Power either, which makes it the most flexible. Not to mention it has the lowest recoil of all the Snipers (EBR need not apply.)

    Also, the Barret and Intervention share the same damage stats. The WA2000 does not. You can't get a one shot kill kill in the Stomach with the WA2000 even with Stopping Power because it's damage multipliers are set to 1.0 in the Stomach, unlike the Barret and Intervention which are set to 1.1.

    It's basically the Dragunov from CoD4.
  9. Dow

    Dow Ancient
    Senior Member

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    M21 is closer to the dragonuv.
  10. Cupcake

    Cupcake Forerunner

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    My bad, I thought the M21 was closer to the M21... Woops... o_O


    1.TAR-21 > It's an all over weapon. If you burst fire, it can kill EASILY at long range.
    2. Intervention > It's a godly sniper, and I love it.
    3. UMP > It's movement capabilities make it ideal for rushing, and it has a lot of firepower and speed behind it.
    4. P90 Akimbo > Stick Steady Aim on these babies and you will be raking in kills.
    5. M4A1 w/Silencer and Red Dot > It sounds amazing and can kill very quickly.


    1.Marathon PRO > Infinite Sprint and over obstacles faster. What more could you want when rushing?
    2. One Man Army PRO > 3.5 second switch, easy ammo replenish AND a new class whenever.
    3. Danger Close PRO > Use this with OMA PRO, Noob Tubes and you've got yourself a cheap-kill-at-the-start-from-spawn class :)
    4. Ninja PRO > Silent footsteps, makes it much easier to sneak around and NOT get caught.
    5. Cold-blooded > Hide from those pesky UAV's.


    1. Highrise > Helipad is a great spot for snipers to have a full overview.
    2. Terminal > Fast paced gameplay in Search.
    3. Rundown > Great size and great LoS.
    4. Skidrow > Massive corridor = best LoS in the game and the long tunnel proves a great spot for spraying.
    5. Invasion > Good grenade spots with nice LoS down each street and from spawn-to-spawn.
  11. GarethDman

    GarethDman Forerunner

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    OMG TAR 21 is so crap

    PURPLEXCARROT Forerunner

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    1.M4A1 with red dot and FMJ: OWNAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    2.UMP-45 with silencer and FMJ

    1.stopping power
    3.cold blooded

    4. Rundown
    5. Rust
  13. Vincent Torre

    Vincent Torre Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Top 10 Primary Weapons

    1. M16 : Slap a holo onto it and it's a beast at range. Up close can be a bit hit or miss but it's efficiency of killing puts it at the top.

    2. FAL : Amazing gun, especially with holo/sp. 2 hit kill from any range. If the M16 wasn't such a beast the FAL would be #1

    3. Tar-21 : Same damage as the SCAR/AK, but with a good sized clip and an awesome iron. Great with a silencer

    4. UMP45 : Almost unfair it's so powerful. Great at even AR range and awesome pretty much anywhere in between.

    5. AK-47 : Enormous clip, awesome damage. Basically a LMG, especially extended mags. The iron sight is kinda annoying since the tip of the gun blocks your view when firing, but extended mags means you just spray and pray till they die.

    6. M21 EBR : Holy **** this gun is fun. It's like a FAL with a sniper scope. Great for a stealth sniper class

    7. Barrett .50 Cal : Amazing with stopping power. 1 Hit kill from anywhere but the legs, Decent sized clip without needing to reload/unscope. Even better with ex mags

    8. ACR : Shoots a laser beam of bullets. Only downside is it's slightly lower damage than the TAR, but shoots much more accurately, quicker, and with probably the best iron site in the game.

    9. AUG HBAR : It's like an AK-47 but without the drop at range. Overall a solid gun and fun as hell to use.

    10: F2000: It's like a SMG but with AR damage. Overall a surprisingly fun gun. Burst fire for range and you'll learn to love this quick firing machine.

    Top 10 Secondaries

    1. SPAS 12 : Really this should be higher on the list, but it's a secondary so it's hard to rate it above. Fun as hell and ridiculous range

    2. AA-12 : Almost too powerful. Great range stock, even better with grip, and the silencer is still awesome on it, albeit close.

    3: Raffica : They call them the pistol M16 for a reason. Great with a silencer/akimbo/FMJ.

    4. M1014 : Like an Spas but you can fire it 4 times without the need to pump/reload. 6 with ex mags makes it a great secondary

    5. M9 : Powerful little hand gun. Fires like a USP but with more damage. I love griefing AR wielders with these things cause they're so powerful. I can't wait for them to fix the silencer

    6. USP45 : Surprisingly efficient in the right hands. With akimbo they have tac knife speed with a quicker gun up animation, making them the fastest knife speed in the game. Akimbo is useful but a bit limited in range.

    7. OMA : While shotgun is fun the ability to quickly change your perks is great. Take for instance if the enemy team is calling in several UAV's. Quickly switch to CB/ninja class. They'll think you died and won't come searching for you. Also tubing.

    8. G18 : You hate dieing to em but the G18 is a great little secondary.

    9. Magnum : Surprisingly powerful, small clip makes it tough to use.

    10: PP2000/TMP : Never having used either of these I don't have much of an opinion. People swear by them though.


    1. Sitrep Pro: With surround sound it's basically a sonar. Hearing footstep means an enemy is nearby. Really the only downside to this perk is that you can't hear ninjas any better.

    2. Stopped Power : Extra damage? Yes please. Only downside is you can be seen on radar during UAV.

    3. Cold Blooded Pro : Invisible on radar and to air support. Pro is awesome since people don't see your name and you can be incredibly sneaky with it.

    4. Ninja Pro : Invisible to HBS and nearly silent footprints. Combine with CBP and silencer and no one will ever find you unless you're spotted.

    5. Scavenger Pro : Extra ammo plus being able to refresh your supply is fantastic. Downsides are that you can't use 2 attachments like with bling, and you have to move around to find bags. Plus no Sleight of Hand

    6. One Man Army Pro : The right gun for the right situation. Plus if the enemy is running a lot of UAVs it's nice to be able to switch to a stealth class quickly.

    7. Sleight of Hand Pro : What's better than a faster reload? Fast reload and faster ADS. Sleight of hand is fun but be careful not to run out of ammo

    8. Bling Pro : Having two attachments is pretty awesome, especially when trying to master guns. Again limited ammo makes this one hard to justify other times.

    9. Steady Aim : Hip fire is awesome, plus extra breath hold while sniping is huge. Though I'd rather have SRP or Ninja Pro in most cases.

    10. Danger Close : Combine with noob tubes for maximum destruction and annoyance.
    #33 Vincent Torre, Jul 11, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2010
  14. flip778

    flip778 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    1/2. FAMAS / M16:
    The three bursts are simply overpowered. Best killtime + insane accuracy. For the most part, they're close enough to be interchangeable.
    3. UMP
    This thing is next due to its sheer power at any range.
    4. TAR21
    This thing is like a three burst, except fully auto and more recoil. It is generally better all around than most.
    5. ACR
    The laser. This thing recoils less than any other weapon that I know of in MW2.

    1. Sitrep Pro - if you can get it...
    2. Ninja Pro - for my Seinheisers
    3. Stopping Power Pro - cause it just is awesome
    4. Sleight of Hand Pro - For anything involving aiming
    5. Marathon Pro - because (marathon > extreme conditioning)
  15. J4M NUTST3R

    J4M NUTST3R Ancient
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    Only a bad worksman blames his tools. . .
  16. Big Bird

    Big Bird Forerunner

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    1.Barrett 50 cal-Its the best sniper and to take out the recoil just reload after every shot or two.
    2.Uamp45-It has practically no recoil and even w/ a silencer it stiil shoots all the way across the map
    3.Model 1887-This is trueley the best when using akimbo you fire both at a time and thier gone.
    4.Ak47-It takes like three shots and has good range and minimal recoil
    5.44 Magnum-I only like it with the attachment Tactical Knife so I go on melee sprees.
    Stopping Power Pro- Its a neccesity
    Slieght Of hand Pro-Good for snipers or sprayers
    Commando Pro-Knifing to the max
    Marathon Pro-It helps to run endlessle
    Bling Pro-Fmj and Heartbeat monitor
    Wasteland is my favorite
    Estate close range headsots
    Skidrow is good for runners
    Karachi because I get alot of headshos in my secret spot
    Sub Base more headshots in my secret spot
  17. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    Yeah man, what he said. The Tar-21 is one of the series' greater guns. Like Mick said, irons are good as hell on that thing, just slap a silencer on there and viola. The range is good, accuracy isn't bad if you know how to burst fire. If you stop letting the M16 play the game for you, you tend to realize there are other good guns out there.

    Also, sick revival bro. *facepalm* ****ing search bar..
    #37 DunkinMyCookies, Aug 24, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2011
  18. A Legit Taco

    A Legit Taco Forerunner
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    This is coming from someone who has spent a great deal of their life QSing

    Top ten primary weapons:
    1. Barrett .50 caliber Amazing fire rate, for its power, and still pretty accurate without spraying. Also happens to be my last name.

    2. Intervention Another good sniper, not so good against AR's and SMG's if you miss.

    3. M4A1 Decent overall weapon great for long to medium distance engagements.

    4. FAL No fire rate restriction good for those with good TFs

    5. Famas 3 shot burst and overpowered. Just how I like 'em.

    6. UMP45 Lightweight gun that's great for rushing bases.

    7. ACR Takes longer to kill then most guns but is made up for its accuracy.

    8. Mini Uzi Another good SMG, dosen't have any sway like other SMG's.

    9. RPD Great light machine gun with good damage and ammo capacity.

    10. TAR-21 Kills insanely fast and looks like **** it has to be my least used gun out of the ten. Mainly because I find it cheap.


    1. Stopping Power Almost always a neccesity.

    2. Sleight of Hand Heard of Quickscoping?

    3. Ninja A must in SnD

    4. Marathon My optional first perk when sniping, and for my rush/knifing classes.

    5. Commando Used for being a cheap ass and not dying from heights.

    Scrapyard Great for SnD and I always do good on it.
    Skidrow Mix of long and short LoS.
    Sub Base Upper walkways and tunnels = win.
    Salvage/Vacant Tie between these maps because they are both good for QSing.
  19. Blaze

    Blaze Sustain Designer
    Forge Critic Creative Force Senior Member

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    | Guns |

    Intervention - Trick shotting all the way.
    Ump - With stopping power and extended mags, this gun is perfect.
    P90 - Also extended mags, because you can get a 5 kill streak easy without having to reload, even with lightwieght.
    Raffica - Dual them up if you need a close range weapon of silence them for a long range weapon. It makes for the perfect secondary.
    50 cal - Just plain love this gun, zooms in quick and I can through my extended mags on it again. :p

    | Perks |

    SitRep - Honestly, what better perk is there than to know exactly where the enemy is walking at your from?
    Commando - I like to jump off ****. What can I say.
    Stopping power - I feel like if this wasn't in the game that there wouldn't be any decisions to make. With this it mean, Longer life, faster running or faster kills.
    Sleight of hand - For the faster ads.
    Scavenger - I like to be able to use my extended mags without having all my ammo in one clip.

    | Maps |

    Rust - great fast paced action
    Wasteland - So easy to run and go 3.0+ without killstreaks
    Scrapyard - Pretty small, filled with wallbangs and is also fast paced
    Terminal - Nice size great for sniping and just any type of gunning
    Subbase - Just a fun map.

    Besides rust maps aren't in any order.
    #39 Blaze, Aug 25, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2011
  20. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Desert Eagle
    Riot Shield
    C4 (Does this count?)

    SitRep Pro

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