I am working on a map, and I am making a switch (with two grav lifts and a fusion coils). However, I would like the time on the grav lift to be extended. Is there anyway for me to make it so the grav lift doesn't spawn after three minutes? I really need help with this and any advice owuld be highly appreciated. Thanks.
Grav lifts are falling objects.. Place gravlift above kill ball on 2m30s respawn time.. grav lift spawns at 2m30..falls into ball and gets owned. Place man cannon above killball at 3m, new grav lift spawns after 5m and launches off killball into position. Intergrating that into switch mechanisms is a different matter and will probably require 3 or 4 different events and run time minimums setting.. trial and error might win you this one kiddo
The lift doesn't spawn at the start, and when it comes the first time, it kills the coil and itself, but the coil doesn't come back...
No Meta is definitely right here. The grav lift throws the fusion coil against the wall above, destroying itself and the grav lift. Then the next time the grav lift spawns, the fusion coil won't be there anymore so it will stay spawned. I have tried it on an earlier map and it does work.
Alternatively.. If the maps in a skybox, have it placed over a hole, it spawns initially, falls through the hole, and dies. Shortly afterwards, a weapon holder spawns, so when the next grav lift spawns the weapon holder prevents it from falling down the hole