As we know there are 3 Editions of Halo: Reach being sold on the day of Release; The Standard, the Limited, and the Legendary. Which will you be buying?
I've gotten every single Halo all being standard edition. The game has given me amazing memories and good times, so I've decided being it's the last of an era to dish out more money to get a more re-memorable treat.
I think I will be getting the limited. I don't really care for a flaming head or Spartan action figures, and I think the limited is only $20 more. Also why isn't this a poll?
I cannot decide. I want Legendary but only for Flames and Specail Elite armor, but I do not care for the other stuff.
You get the Special Elite armor with Legendary Edition and Limited Edition. So if the Elite and Flames are the only reason ask yourself is it worth paying the extra cash for legendary just for the Flames? And I've pre-ordered legendary first game I've ever got a special edition or preordered can't wait
Pre ordered the legendary. The only reason I've got the legendary for both H3 and HR is because both of them were supposed to be the last Halo game... -.-
I already pre ordered Legendary edition had all that spare money and couldn't resist =]. plus I wanted the statue, fire, the book and the elite armor
Legendary, If the halo series goes out with a bang, it deserves to get an extra bit of cash. That, and that statue looks damn fine.
Pre ordered Legendary. Reach is probably one of the last video games that I will buy (Im probably not taking my Xbox to college next year) and I want the full experience.
Limited, I will get to know more of the story... Legendary isn't worth it IMO. 150$ for some toys, a flaming helmet, which will no longer be special, but the case is nice.
I'm getting Legendary cause of the extra game content, and I just want the Legendary cause its suppose to be the last Halo for awhile.
Legendary. I want the flames and the sculpture is pretty cool looking and it all comes in a fancy box. I have $304, I can buy it.
I'm getting legendary and i'm thinking about seeing how much some of the extra stuff (statue, book) go for on ebay.