The year is 2020, and the militaries of all of the major powers are still largely run by oil. However, since the year 2010, an official recognition of an oil crisis has resulted in a struggle by these major powers to amass as much oil as possible so as to sustain themselves longer than the other powers. These powers are; America, Russia, China, the European Union, and the Afghan Coalition. In this time, America's major oil supply is still Alaska, which was sold to them by Russia in 1867, and promises a still vast quantity of raw material. Forced by necessity, Russia has invaded America in a desperate effort to either re-acquire Alaska, or foil the American effort to collectthe oilthemselves. Stationed in Southern Alaska, an oil hub central to American oil shipping has been reading behemoth-sized footprints of Russian military forces mounting an assault.The defensea decidedly suicidal mission,all non-combatant personnel has been evacuated of the facility, leaving only the advanced squad known as The Ghosts to defend. The Ghost Squad is a group of BAMFs born with guns in hand, specifically trained for grueling combat in scenarios of impossible odds. (Just like all of the other squads we made up here on forgehub). The hopeful eyes of the entire American continent now lay on the Ghost Squad, for a defeat on The Hub would result in an immobilization of most American war machinery, a sharp drop in weapons production, and a major downturn in the American economy. Russia could then easily make advances on all American oil-gathering islands across the Pacific and Gulf with little to no resistance from American forces. Has there has never been a more crucial battle in American history? Combat Zone Combat The Hub, although designed with CTF and Assault in mind, has been adapted to work with Slayer, KoTH and Territories. This map is best suited for 4 to 8 players. There is no specific gametype you need to download for this map. Thank you for your interest, and expect more Ghost Squad missions in the future. Download Link: Thanks to testers Maxpheonix JakeofSpades08 Lord234 BigHead OWNS Me
I can already tell, they map is way too open in the middle. I recommend putting soem thign is to make it feel less open, maybe some catwalks , pillars, or anythign to get rid of the open space.
DO NOT DO THIS Systematically add cover between tests until you get what you want out of the map. Random stuff thrown around makes your hard work look cluttered and rushed. If you need somebody to help with these mini-tests, I would suggest posting a thread in the testers guild.
The middle was meant to be a killzone encourage players to take the long route around the map. I'm not doubting that your guys' ideas are good, they are just incongruous with the purpose of my map. However, I supposed I could substitute the crates and wire spools with upright walls and bridges arranged to form some sort of structures.. idk I'll get on it for V2