Still, you could have merged it sloppy and thot way, it would look like you care enough about the map to give a decent impression in asthetics.
After reading through the comments and ignoring most of them since it was just people fail-flaming I'll try and explain why they are moaning so you actually know why, I'll also split it into sections (mainly because it's easier to write that way ) Forging - Combat side of things I understand it is meant to look like an abandoned warehouse and you've pulled that off quite nicely, however, they way you have made the map will have a negative effect on game play, this can be for a few reasons but in the case only really 2 major reasons: when running over objects like this it causes the player to bump up and down, as you can imagine in competitive maps his can be a problem as it reduces peoples accuracy and can be general annoying. a simple fix is to use the merging techniques (guides on which can be found Here) to make walkways smooth while also using them to make the walls/roofs look slightly sloppy. Secondly this has to do with grenades if 2 boxes have been put together and you throw a grenade it can fall down the two boxes and is a waste of grenades, this can be fixed by merging box in the main combat areas together ever-so-slightly so that it isn't very noticeable but prevents the lose of grenades. Forging - Aesthetic side of things Personally I think you've managed to pull off a fairly convincing abandoned warehouse feel to the map for someone that's new to forge (or at least the technical side of forge) but that doesn't mean you can put your feet up because the aesthetics are far from great. I'm no going to go into this in any major detail since there's not loads to say, it would be easier just checking out some of the maps on forgehub to get an idea of how to create nice looking maps that play well, PM if you want me to send you any links to maps you can check out. Weapon placement I'm probably not the guy to be talking to you about this but when it comes to weapons its all about Risk Vs Reward, so the more the risk the better the reward that sort of thing. This isn't always the case but as a general rule of thumb armouries on competitive maps are a no no. This is mainly because as people have said its too easy for people to camp in them, but also because in my opinion they are extremely unfair because one person can come in take all the best weapons and leave all the not-so-good weapons for the rest of the team (that and because you can pick up one gun and take all the ammo from the guns next to leaving them nearly empty for anyone else). So try and space weapons out around the map, and on a map this size try to keep to short-mid range weapons so SMGs maybe a couple of BRs and at most 1 shotgun. (the warthogs on the map would mean you would have to put extra power weapons mainly the spartan laser or the rocket launcher to counter-balance them which is one of the reasons people don't like vehicles on smaller maps) if you've got some spare time you should check out the weapons theory tutorial it will help a great deal in future maps. Ok that's my wall of text finished, I hope this helps clear things up although I'm sure some more experience forger will come any minute now to say that everything I've typed is wrong
Guys, I just want to say I appreciate the ones who've gone out of their way to give me genuine advice. I have read your posts and I do take your words into consideration. I've already fixed the weapon spawns and I'll get the new version up very soon. To everyone who didn't offer advice, (i.e. anyone I've had to go out of my way to reply to), I hope you can learn something from the people who have offered advice, going beyond that of, "I HATE YOUR MAP YOUR MAP IS BAD WHY IS YOUR MAP BAD" You know who you are.
This. ♥ Beefi ♥ I wont be redundant and reiterate every else thats already been said, but i am going to add that you need a few more methods of travel between bases because only have one fluid path creates a choke point. In this case, its not a good idea. Just delete a couple items along the bottom, and problem solved! Second, its possible to become stuck behind the fence wall in the picture 'Outside of Base B.' The one right by the ramp to the hole-in-the-wall. If you are retareded like me you get stuck there often -_- Anyway, this map actually plays reletivly devent. I did take the time to delete some things for my own want and whim, and it turned out pretty good. Just keep this in mind while finishing up v2 or whatever.