I've played Crackdown 2 alot of the time. Hell even more than my MW2 time (1D/17Hr/27Mins). With that I've also spotted more Albertians than anyother game. (Albertian: A Person that lives in Alberta Canada). For anyone who cares, Heres some of the questions that I've answered. Where is/How do I unlock the Helicopter? Spawn near the closest star near the agency tower (Small Island in the Middle of the 4 Major Cities.) Get 2 people to climb to the closest tower. Then UV Shotgun your teammate to the other side. Or if you're a level 5 in agility then this is no problem for you. How do I Unlock the Tank? Basically get to level 5 in Driving. How do you get the glidding suit/Wing Suit? Get to Level 5 in Agility. Then Jump and Press Y. How do you unlock the Gold Armour Agent? Sorry, Pre-Order Only! Is there gonna be any Downloadable Content? Yes, Toy-Box Add-on and Deluge Add-on are confirmed. Check avatar awards. Is there 2 Player Split Screen? Nope! Where do I get the Pick-axe (Shown in the Vidoc)? I found 3 near the mines. Its near one of the beacon bomb areas. How do I get the PeaceKeepers to stop shooting at me? Umm..... Don't shoot them duh! Can you fit 3 Players on a Helicopter? Yes, Land it with LB and Make sure the Legs pop out. Otherwise, BOOOM! No more helicopter. Whats the Best Gun in the Game? I would pick the Harpoon Gun (1 Shot Kill) or Gatling gun. Spoiler (Gatling Gun is great against Bigger Version of Freaks) How do I unlock the Quacker Grenade? Canadians Must Play a game called Chuck's Duck 2 on www.Facebook.com, While Americans can get it easily by just going to the Carnival. This is also a Step you do when your done playing Chuck's Ducks 2. If you're a not a Canadian just follow the American step. Can you connect a car to the helicopter? Yes, I do this all the time. Get the Mags and connect 2 to the helicopter and 1 to the car. Then fly away. Help me find the Orbs? No, But if you press ^ on the d-pad a scanner will find all the orbs around you. however, it needs to recharge. Or go to the pause menu and quick un-pause and press ^ on the d-pad. It will do a city zoom in. I heard that there was a Unlimited time glitch with the demo? Yes, there was and now its patched. Don't know why, You could go far and can't earn achievements. If you have anymore questions, comment below and I will answer. Thanks for viewing, If anyone cared. P.S: I didn't waste much time on this. I already wrote this when I was playing the game. Theres a Note Section in the Manual for a reason.
I would say the sniper because of the larger clip size and 1-hit kill on anything. (Except that boss freak) and the gatling is ok. *SPOILER ALERT* (If you care) And I hope your kidding with that one, the ducks are still located at the carnival. It was the first place I checked and found them.
What? Oh, that must be in America. I add it. In Canada, We Canadians Have to play this fun like game on Facebook called Chuck's Ducks 2. Is like a Tetris Spinoff.
I knew Crackdown 2 was going to be meh, but the ending plain ol' sucked. The game play was extremely similar Prototype and Infamous, both of these games triumph Crackdown 2 by a huge amount. Cool game, horrible story and with a game that involves jumping around every turn I would think they would make it more fluid.
There practically is no story, more of a scenario. I don't consider this a fault at all, because that's not what they were going for. Also, it's still not an excuse, but this game had to be put together in under 8 months. That's an extremely short time do develop a game, and I think it turned out pretty good considering the conditions.
Only if you have friends to play with. The amount of chaos you can amass in coop is awesome, and it never hurts to have someone to talk to while grinding skills.
If you looking for a game with a great storyline, Crackdown 2 isn't the game you want. This feels like an Exspansion, However, The Zombies and 4-Player Co-op Alone make this game worth a buy. 3 Friends can join you in 5 Locations across Pacific City. There are New Toys like the UV Shotgun. A Gun that fries zombies it a single shot. Gadgets like Mags and Quackers make it even more fun. Mags allow you to stick anything to anything. (A Car to a Building). New Vehicles, Like the Helicopter and A Tank. Hundreds of Orbs, 500 Agility Orbs, 80 Xboxlive Orbs, 300 Hidden Orbs and Tons of New Orbs. Online Matchmaking, Includes Rocket Tag, Something Like Slayer only with rockets and the entire city to use. 16 Player Online. New DLC: Both Deluge and Toy-Box have been confirmed and are releasing soon. Toy-Box is Keys to the City from Crackdown 1. The Ablility to spawn anything anywhere. Tons of Fun: Making Slingshots using Cars, Gliding with Friends arcoss buildings, Car Races, Rooftop Races, Killing Zombies, Nuking Zombie Bases, Collecting Orbs, Online Multiplayer, and falling to your death in a toilet? Wait... What? Crackdown 2 isn't a complete squel. They only had 8 Months to build this game and its a load of fun. Tons of fun with 2 or more. If you hated Crackdown 1, You'll love Crackdown 2. This game got a 7.5 from IGN.
I hadn't heard about that Toy Box DLC. Is there a time frame for release on that, and what is Deluge?
Deluge is a bunch of new mission and a couple of new add-ons onto the game. Deluge hasn't been talked Toy-Box is like Forge. Spawn anything you want, Weapons, Vehicles. If you don't believe me check the awards in Crackdown 2. Green Helmet: (Toy-Box) Thanks for Buying! PVP Helmet (Deluge) Thanks for Buying!
A 7.5 isn't very convincing.... but I will be sure to look into this game a little bit more before I decide to purchase it or not.