Game Help!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by smackdown6789, Jul 9, 2010.


Which One?

  1. Fable 2

    2 vote(s)
  2. Fallout 3

    11 vote(s)
  3. Mirrors Edge

    0 vote(s)
  1. smackdown6789

    smackdown6789 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Alrite people. I have a choice on Fallout 3, Fable 2, and Mirrors Edge.
    PLease vote on the poll and tell me about each game. Thankyou.
  2. Mongoose

    Mongoose Ancient
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    Never played Fable 2, so naturally I don't recommend that. Mirror's Edge will probably be having you throwing your controller in frustration. However, I reccommend that instead of getting Fallout 3, wait until Fallout: New Vegas is released as that will be much better.
  3. smackdown6789

    smackdown6789 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Oh Mongoose, its becaudse I have msp and I have enough to buy one game on demand, and im narrowing it down to these 3
  4. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Fable 2
    Open world Action Adventure RPG
    Fight with melee weapons, ranged weapons, and magic with a pretty fluid combat system that looks great and lets you change between attack types on the fly. Certain RPG elements such as experience and leveling are fairly simple, which some might consider a negative, but really is preference. Aside from the main quest there are many things to do like work a job, complete side quests by helping townsfolk, purchase establishments such as stores and houses, have a family, and explore the world for chests, magical doors, etc. There is also a cooperative mode, although be warned that it is extremely limited.

    Fallout 3
    Open world RPG with extremely basic FPS elements
    A much more traditional RPG in the sense that experience, leveling, skill points, and talents play a huge role in how the game plays. Shooting controls are honestly somewhat poor compared to that of Call of Duty or Halo, but they do the job required and the VATS system allows you to take a more turn based approach to fights. There is a huge world to explore with tons of people to talk to and complete quests for, as well as pieces of scrap that can be used to create new, devastating weaponry. There are several pieces of downloadable content for this game, adding dozens of hours onto the already staggering 100+ hours included with the original game disc.

    Mirror's Edge
    First person platformer with some gunplay
    Quite an innovative title, Mirror's Edge takes the platforming time-trial genre and lets you experience it through a first person view. You'll run through streets and rooftops of a near future city by means of parkour. Gun play is intentionally not very useful, encouraging you to get up close to disarm your enemies, or evade them. This is a shorter game compared to Fallout 3 and Fable 2, but benefits from giving you incentive to go back and try to beat your times for levels you've already beaten.

    Hope this helped.
  5. smackdown6789

    smackdown6789 Ancient
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    Fallout 3 seems promising. Ive played Fable 2 and Mirrors Edge demo. They were alrite. So I might have to go with Fallout 3
  6. Beefi

    Beefi Ancient
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    Fable 2 is ok but it didn't had loads of re-play value so if I was you I'd avoid it. I've never played mirrors edge so I can't comment on it, but being the RPG junkie that I am I would have to say Fallout 3, if you've never played it or aren't into RPGs much I wouldn't though.
  7. Flameblad3

    Flameblad3 Ancient
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    Personally, I'd go for Fallout 3. I've never played Mirror's edge, so I can't say anything about it. I have played A LOT of Fable 2 (on my friend's 360). I didn't find much replayability to it. Like Bioshock: enjoyable the first time, but then boring. But Fallout 3, like Borderlands, has a lot of replayability; lots of guns, massive world, lots of people to talk to.
  8. Cupcake

    Cupcake Forerunner

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    I've played all 3, and my favourite had to be Fable 2. It has what you would want in a game: Looks, Feel, Fighting and FUN. I've never had so much more fun playing any other game.

    Fallout 3, for me, was boring. Like, really boring. I didn't enjoy the massive walking distances, nor did I enjoy the insanely long quests/goals that rewarded you with few caps...

    Mirrors Edge was a BLAST to play. The ease of use, along with the calm and collected story-line and soundtrack puts it in my top 10, but something about it just doesn't give it that edge over Fable 2.

    Fable 2. :D
  9. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
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    Fallout 3 defintily, it is filled with close to 200 hours of gameplay, plus the DLC's if you buy GOTY Edition.
  10. ZombieBiscuit

    ZombieBiscuit Ancient
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    Fallout 3- Never played it too much and the limited time i did i didn't really enjoy it. BUT on the otehr hand a ton of people like it so im probably just the odd one out.

    Fable 2- Would have to be the one i pick out of these three. It was a good lite RPG with very great simple combat, decent story and all around pretty fun.

    Mirrer's edge- A very unique game that is really fun. but i say no just cause its really short and not that much replay value, for me.
  11. Mister man 1217

    Mister man 1217 Ancient
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    In my opinion Mirrors Edge was a complete was of time, not a good game at all.
  12. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    All three games are fun. However, Mirrors Edge and Fable 2 are very very short games in comparison to Fallout 3. Like many members before me mentioned the length of Mirrors Edge and Fable 2 are extremely short and have little to no replay value, Fallout 3 is a long enough game were you don't nessasaryly need to replay it, but you can if you want to. As a gamer who has played all three games, I enough all three of them, however Fallout 3 is my favorite out of these three choices. Mirrors Edge and Fable 2 are a renting type of game while Fallout 3 is a solid buy.

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