I redid some rooms and got rid of a few weapons and half of the equipment. This Map is named after the Cube (cube = regular Hexahedron) I have as a center piece. The walls are raised enough so you cant jump out. great for free for all and team slayer. Download Link Bungie.net : Halo 3 File Details Weapons Battle Rifle x5 Shotgun x1 (90 second respawn) Sniper Rifle x1 SMG x2 Spiker x2 Needler x1 Brute Shot x1 Rocket Launcher x1 (2 minute respawn) Mauler x1 Equipment Spike Grenade x6 Firebomb Grenade x1 Bubble Shield x1 Regenerator x1 Deployable Cover x1 Active Camo x1 Overview of the map. Blue Dot: 3rd Building's top floor Teal Dot: 3rd Building's 2nd floor Green Dot: Green Room Pink Dot: Shotgun Room Purple Dot: 2nd Building's top floor Grey Dot: 1st Building Red Dot: Rocket Ramps The Cube.This is the center-piece to the map. The active camo spawns in the center of the cube. You can jump on top of the cube from the South Deck and from the Rocket Ramps. Top floor of the 3rd Building (Blue Dot).This Room is what the Spiral Ramp leads to. The Bubble Shield spawns on the spiral ramp. To the left is the blacony that looks over the Green room An opening between the 3rd and 2nd level of this building lets you drop down to the bottom floor. 2nd floor of the 3rd building (Teal Dot).Gravlifts from bottom floor lift you up to here. Dual spikers spawn next to the column and a doorway leads out to the South Deck. The South Deck.The South deck looks over the open area where the Cube is. It connects the 2nd and 3rd levels of the 3rd building together aswell. a ledge on right was added in to allow you to jump up to the deck from the bottom. Sniper spawns here on left. Bottom of 3rd building.Looking towards the Spiral Ramp that leads to top floor. Brown guy is running under the opening that you can drop down from the upper levels. Another shot of the bottom of the 3rd building. Gravllifts in back take you to 2nd floor. A doorway on the right takes you into the Green Room. 3rd buildings balcony. This balcony is on the 3rd level of the 3rd building It is looking over the Green Room and Shotgun Room (where the dead purple guy is). North Deck and 2nd Building are seen in the back where the other purple guy is shooting from (block under him was added to allow you to jump up to the deck). Green Room (Green Dot).This room connects the shotgun room and the 3rd building. It also has a doorway that leads to the main open area. Dual SMG spawn in here and so does the regen. Added in a block to allow you to jump up to the balcony in the 3rd building. Shotgun Room (Pink Dot).This is where the shotgun spawns. It links to the Green Room and the 2nd Building's top and bottom floor. I changed what the shotgun spawns on from an arch to 2 fins. window across from shotgun that you can jump or shoot through. Bottom of 2nd Building.This is where the Bruteshot spawns. there is a hall in the back that leads to the 1st building. opening on the left allows you to drop down from top floor. Top of 2nd Building (Purple Dot).The Needler spawns in back right corner. in the back left corner there is a teleporter that takes you under the spiral rimp in the 3rd building. a doorway on the left takes you out to the north deck. North Deck.This connects the 2nd and 1st building. Underneath is a hall that leads to the back hallway. Window under the deck shows the new room I added to the 1st building. Deployable Cover and Firebomb spawn up here. 1st Building (Grey Dot).This room opens into the main area and is linked to the 2nd building by the North Deck and the Back Hallway. I added a room that leads down to where to maulers new spawn is. I also added in 2 columns by the entrance to spice up the room. A small opening lets you jump out into the back hallway. The Brown Guy is jumping towards the entrance to the back hall. The Back Hallway.This links the 1st and 2nd building together. The ramp where the BR is takes you to the 1st building. You can take a left and go out into the main area. The opening where the Brown Guy is jumping out is where the mauler room that i added is located. Rocket Ramps (Red Dot).This ramp is where the rocket spawns. I added a small wedge so you can jump on to the top of the cube. Download Link http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=115029878 I hope you like the changes (if you've played the older versions). Please play the map before you bash it. otherwise comment away, share your thoguhts. I am currently working on a remake of my cave map (Galvin's House) and a tilted map.
After two games on the map, heres my review -Map is overall very neat so I give you props for that. -Design layout is very nciue and flows like an urban mapplaying style -gameplay can also be related to SwordBase's from Halo Reach because of the room to room combat. -Most spawns were pretty good, some I felt were not in places where they should be. Overall, I give the map a 8/10. Good work pal.
Hey man great map I will definitely download and play with a couple of friends, great space between rooms and personally I really appreciate the way you put the map in a clean and neat manner (kudos for the work) -Tomo Stryker
Very good map , clean forging, nice fast paced action with close corners, and I really like the center piece. The close range sniping is fun, the bubble shields add to the chaos, the "grass" incorporation is always nice on maps and you did a good job with this too. With room to room combat, spawn points are always hard to place, but I'm sure you'll figure it out, just place them behind as much cover and usually unused passages as you can! But otherwise kudos on a sweet map.
Thx for the input. Ya, spawns have been a problem for me on every map.. I changed a few of the spawns and put a couple in better locations
Thats good to hear. I like it when people acualty listen to the advice given rather then deny it liek some people do.