'GAZA' UPDATE 9/19/20 OLD PICS BROKE ON PHOTOBUCKET IM DUMPING SOME PLACEHOLDERS HERE FOR NOW Created by zombievillan Download Link Supports all gametypes but I recommend 4v4 team and 6 man FFA Slayer, Oddball, and KoTH. Description Gaza is yet another competitive map added to my archive. It started off as a 2v2 for a contest that never happened and is now great for 4v4 and 6 man FFA. I designed it in the hospital after my wife had my son, LOL. In the beginning I had an old temple in mind, which kinda how I got the name. If you know the epic story of Sampson, (in the Bible), in the very end he got one last breath from God to destroy the temple where everyone had gathered after gouging out his eyes and torturing him for years. I knda went with the idea of this being the temple before he pulled down the pillars and got revenge on all those people. I feel like that was achieved IMO. It has been a long process since it was worked on at different times over a long period of time. It started 8 months ago so you can see what I mean. Anyways, it was fun and I am 100% satisfied with the end product. It worked out fine in Free fo All so that was awesome. My only upset is that it sucks for CTF, which is usually one of the best games on most of my maps. Its just too easy to run the Flag from base to base. So it will play it, but I dont recommend it. Anyway, Ill get too the pics now so you can see it. It doesnt have too much fancy flare but the gameplay is the real point in any of my maps so check it out. Heres a quick fly through video to give the best view possible. Sorry, I suck at this part, but it shows the entire map so it does the job, lol. *Insert epic action packed background music here* [bungievid]114912907[/bungievid] Defenders base Defenders secondary area (counter clockwise from the base) Rockets spawn on the pillar left of the room, seen here Attackers Base Counter clockwise from Attackers base Center structure: Across from Defenders base Heres the enclosed bridge in the left hallway of the above pic. And a few leftovers Weapons list: 6 BRs-----------------10 sec-------------2 SC 4 Carbines------------10 sec-------------2 SC 2 Needlers------------90 sec-------------2 SC 2 SMGs---------------30 sec-------------2 SC 1 Plasma Rifle---------30 sec-------------N/A 1 Plasma Pistol--------120 sec------------N/A 1 Rocket Launcher-----150 sec------------1 SC 1 Sniper Rifle----------150 sec------------1 SC (PAS: NO) 1 Mauler---------------120 sec------------1 SC 4 Plasma Grenades-----10 sec 1 Power Drain----------120 sec 1 Bubble Shield---------120 sec 1 Regenerator----------120 sec 1 Active Camo----------180 sec That pretty much somes it up. Thats my style though, short and simple and straight to the point. Its worked in the past and it works still. I ask that you check it out guys and let me know what you think. Download Gaza Special thanks: Zman0360--------------------------------Adyless F4 Scorpion------------------------------AceOfSpades0707 Rorak Kuroda-----------------------------Shad0w Viper Chrstophrbrnn----------------------------JPeloquin218 codeman4416----------------------------Xcall me jamesX own3d u s0n-----------------------------D3mon Believes Rusty Eagle------------------------------Vyctoriouz Transaction Zero-------------------------o Urban Myth o Whats A Scope---------------------------Stoyben Nick the Ratman--------------------------Xanon Forgotten Wing---------------------------NXWxWolves MultiLockOn-------------------------------x c23 x iTz Fuzzywig-----------------------------Sir Toppum Hat Most of all I thank my sexy wife for giving me all the time to work on my maps and still having patience with me. And for being so Hott! And anyone else I may have forgot, sorry thats alot of people. Thanks guys, and thank you Forgehub for supporting me for so long, its been real.
Ahah! I don't really know you, but you mentioned me in the special thanks so I'd feel like a **** if I hadn't have commented. As you said, obviously it doesn't have the same visual flare as some of those masterpieces coming out lately, but it makes up for it in gameplay (yeah, through the lag I thought it was fine). Were there some things that could have been tinkered with? Definitely. But regardless I enjoyed my time on this map lag jumping around like a ninja. In fact, by the way this map went, you should encourage your wife to have more babies. I'm sure you won't mind making some more of those :]
I thought I helped you out too. (I spawned on the rocket most of the time, hope you moved it) I still really like the hallway with the windows in it. And the new railing on the ramps in defenders secondary area look nice. I assume this is the map you sent me :0 (I haven't been on long enough to check it)
LOL, @ multi, that lag was due to everyone in the game having the flaming helmet. I dont know why it caused it, but it happened to everyon in MM too. @ Combat, that wasnt a problem anymore in any of the last tests so I didnt move rockets, but I think I made a few changes since you played. Oh and another special thanks to CombatGam3r.
Spoiler I stared at this map through the whole videos, about to cry of the amazing-ness that this map shot at me. But then......as the camera flew through a small tunnel i seen this...... Oh you normal people are probably all like " WATZ WRONG WIT THAT" But that.... That one wall...IT RUINED HALO FOR ME. ALL MY CHILD HOOD DREAMS WERE LOST. ONE OUT OF ONE THOUSAND CHANCES, A GRENADE COULD HIT THAT AND COME BACK AND KILL YOU....AND YOU WONT EVEN BE SURE That you'll respawn ( <--- Finger got tired.) > > heh... This map looks amazing. all the walls are neat and clean, along with the floors. I think my favorite part of this map is the Y bridge thing. One thing i don't really like are the half walls for railing...kinda...Defeats the whole purpose of hiding behind it when they can still shoot you, But i gotta admit, It does look cool.
I dont know if your joking or if you are really serious. The thing is... I dont care. Thats the problem with tubes. Just like walls, they shift a tiny bit when the game ends, not only that, they shift in a random direction each time. They dont shift according to the teardrop or anything. Its just random shift in any direction. I also must say that its at the end of the tunnel where a pillar is at the opening so there is hardly ever going to be any reason to throw a grenade out that direction so Ill pick my battles. Thanks for taking that much time out of your own life to point out such a little imperfection, lol. Means alot to me. As for the rails, its all about the look. I totally ripped that idea from Shad0w Viper and ChristopherBrnnn, they did it along time ago and I thought it looked sweet so I used it. There isnt much hiding you can do behind them if they were solid though so its not a big deal to me. Thanks for your input though.
Wheres meh? I was in the game where Mick wasant even playing the whole time..lol nvm The rocket spawns were messed up.. I cant really download anymaps right now because of stupid corrupted HDD so yeah.. Just from the pics and memory.. great map
I will make sure that this map is passed around to my pals, this kind of architecture is amazing and should be recommended to Bungie for official remake! -Tomo Stryker
I download before and i was just amazed on how much detail you put on your structures like the enclosed bridge(which is my favourite part of the map). The design of this map is just beautiful, just incredible. As befor i did download and have a few games with my mates they were totaly amazed aswell, the gamplay in this map is just perfect, there no really camping spots which make it 100 times better. Anyway this map is just incredible. Zombievillan your a awesome map creator
Brilliant job Zombievillian. This map was definitly no dissapointment even though the lack of good gameplay for my favorite gametype, CTF. (lol) Still, the map was forged beautifully as I already told you. I love how you went above and beyond just maing the design, you made the athetics of the map compare to maps that Bungie makes which is what I really admired about this map in particular. You really took the time to add great detail to the map. The map does have great gameplay flow for everything else, especailly Oddball. We had some good games on that map with Oddball. Overall Zombie, you did one hell of a job on this map and you should be really proud.
In my opinion, you're the best forger out there, especially pre-Ghost Merge. Like all your maps do, this map brings a mix of fresh architecture and smooth forging. It's awesome. I just can't believe your amazing Forging skittles. Keep forging, def download
w-o-w, arches = amazing, and the forging is phenomenal. The tube pieces and corners make this map look very original as well. The only thing I would add is more lighting with the red\blue lights. Very awesome map though! Add me I'd like to play some customs with you
Thanks for the comments guys. @ Turtle, that post was pretty useless, no offense. The Rocket spawn is fine. Just because you spawn in a close area to the Rockets mid game, doesnt mean its bad. Several times you will spawn there when they havent spawned. I have watched several videos of different games from different angles and its completely fine. You spawn next to power weapons in Bungie maps all the time dude. @ Chalupa, yes CTF does work, but its not any fun sadly. As I stated in the original post, The flag run is just too fast. @ Jpeliquin, yeah, I wish CTF would have worked out cuz I am sad it didnt. Usually all of my maps do but the layout was intended for 2v2 Slayer, Oddball, and KoTH in the beginning so it just didnt pan out. @ cart0graph, thanks dude. I wouldnt say I am the best though. With Ghostmerging out now, kids are pumpin out sick "looking" maps left and right and alot of them are actually starting to play well too. I am just an out of time semi old schooler now, lol.
I like the arches in between the gold columns, and all of the railings. The geometry also looks pleasing, and would probably render an interesting game. This is off-topic, but for those of you that are politically inclined, here is a picture of the skyline of Gaza City that I took a couple months ago while abroad. Do not confuse the foggy skyline of the actual city with the stone blockers that are on the edge of a private beach. I had to post this because of the map name.
Ah, and here it is. I will tell you right now zombie, that I thouroighly enjoyed testing this. It immediatly took place as one of my favorite competitive crypt maps to date. It played excellently for most gametypes, and it just shines for slayer. And although it isn't an official "Mlg" map, I loved how it played for mlg team slayer. Snipers was fun too. Excellent job dude, this will last for customs to come.
Zombie! Thank you for thanking me but I must say there a few others that woulda liked to be reffered to as "hott" and "sexy." >=/ But the map however doesn't need to be called sexy or hott. It would be like saying metallica is metal, to which I respond, no ****! This was a beauty of a map to play on and if only you could have had lights, i would have no complaints. I really want to get more games on this so I can say more about it. Nice work zombie........... even if you don't think I'm sexy....
@ dlockcarr, hope you like it, and is that a bungie group or a website? @ Urbanmyth, thanks dude, I wish I could have went back and got at least a blue light, but I just call it old school like the days of Foundry. And I am sure you are sexy in some wierd, odd, non gay way, lol. @ drsoccer, that was a worthless post. No offense but you just posted to tell me it looks good but every other map, screenshot and film on your harddrive is so amazing you cant get rid of one to look at this one? thanks for that, lol.
My friend is almost to the point of he wants to marry this map. He loves it but I can't really make up my mind. Hopefully I have the chance to play on it alot and I wish you the best in getting it featured. Architect?
Well play it and play it. As far as this giving me architect, that would be nice, but I dont know if that will happen. *cough* staff feature this nao *cough*, lol.
GAZA, a sight for soar eyes, Bungie like layout, seemingly beautiful, best aesthetics, forged to near perfection, an awesome example of how great forge maps can really be, this map has it all. By FAR the GREATEST asymmetrical map design I have ever witnessed on Halo 3. This is truely an amazing map that has captured my download. Every section of the map has its own unique piece that stands out and really shows why this map is supertacular. Please continue to build maps like this in the future for both Halo 3 and the upcoming Halo Reach. Looking forward to it!