Blacklight: Tango Down

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Pegasi, Jul 7, 2010.

  1. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I bought it on XBLA today after hearing about it a couple of days ago on the MLG forums. I really love BF: 1943 and this looked to be the same sort of mechanic on a smaller scale with a more modern styling. Pretty much exactly that, plays somewhat like MW2 (from my limited experience of that game), though the HRV thingy (kinda like a wallhack in the form Reach armour ability in that it has a bar which depletes as you use it and recharges over time) makes camping quite difficult against someone with even a bit of common sense.

    Has anyone else got it? I've been having a lot of fun with it, though tbh I'm not very good. All the weapons seem useable in their own right and I'm working through upgrading them to see what works best for me. Partying up for public matches isn't very easy, you can't search as a party, you have to invite your friends to a lobby once you've joined it. And apparently even that doesn't work yet, though the developers are looking in to that.

    Overall, lotta fun for 1200 MSP. If you liked BF: 1943 then you should definitely give the trial version of this a download, you get 60 minutes of play. Anyone who has it, hit me up with a GT and if I can find enough people who have I'll try to get some small private matches going.

    EDIT: Here's a video to give you a taste of what it's like

    YouTube- Blacklight Tango Down - Xbox 360 Gameplay - Dominate
    #1 Pegasi, Jul 7, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2010
  2. Kilr0n

    Kilr0n Ancient
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    I got the demo but I only got like 25 minutes left. So far I really like it and I'm definitely consider buying it. Also you think the SPAS has a lot of range? Try the shotty in this game :)
  3. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    So I've heard :p. Haven't actually tried shotties out yet, still sticking to AR and Sniper classes really, though tomorrow I'm gonna experiment with SMG and Shotgun classes.
  4. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
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    If the trial's only 60 minutes, can't you delete it and then redownload it?

    Anyway, i'm getting online to try it out.
  5. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    No sir mr. Theorem, you get 60 minutes of active-online play (so customizing/lobbies don't count :happy:)

    @Pegasi I bought the game a couple hours ago, having prior to that played the trial. I like it as of now, and you know, for 15 bucks I won't ever complain.

    Wanna try the Black ops missions? They are a ***** on solo.

    GT: sleazy grandma
  6. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Indeed, Black Ops did seem more geared towards co-op play which is better overall but makes dropping in and playing them when you feel like a bit less appealing as there's no splitscreen. From what I played, I have to say they didn't seem like anything special, standard fight through some passable AI with occasional random mini games to open doors/boxes, though I wana try more before passing judgement.

    Either way, I wana complete them since I've bought the game, so I'll definitely add you and hit you up next time I give them a shot. I'm also trying to convince irl friends to buy this, then we could rock it up with a full co-op party of 4 which I'll bet would be pretty fun.
  7. CombatGam3r

    CombatGam3r Ancient
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    I'm level 8 in it, I bought it yesterday. For $15 this game is a great buy, with lots of customization and solid multiplayer, with a tiny bit of a campaign gameplay. I secretly think their testing out the customization for an even bigger plan.
  8. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    That. On top of those feelings, what disappoints me is the superhuman intelligent AI as seen in games such as F.E.A.R. or Far Cry where no matter where you are, they see you. It made the Black Ops missions that much more of a pain. Also you seem to always need health, even on normal mode, so I never feel like I'm accomplishing a goal, in reality I'm just running around looking for health packs for 20 minutes.
  9. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Yeah for the 15 $ its a good buy. My buddy told me about it and i reluctantly downloaded it. Its MW2ish but in a good way, very fun and fast paced. No camping here haha.
  10. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Agreed on the AI. After having tried it a couple of times on my own, me and a friend played through the first mission on co-op earlier, we both died really near the start on our first try but immediately worked out what we'd done wrong, then neither of us died for the rest of the mission which we completed pretty quickly since it wasn't too long. Once I learned not to be aggressive in pushing forward it became easier, though still not too fun, but having even one person with you makes it MUCH more enjoyable. Both of you just use the furthest forward points of cover you know are in safe ground (since the enemies are pretty static in terms of pushing towards you for the most part, though they'll move side to side across areas), taking out the enemies which invariably make themselves very apparent, occasionally using the fact that there are two of you to get a slight flank on some enemies. This is only speaking for the first level though, I haven't actually tried the others yet.

    Oh I've found plenty of camping, though mostly it's the one good person in the game taking advantage of all the stupid people running around and never using their HRV. Also I got horribly spawn camped on the map on top of some skyscrapers (I think it's called Skyline) today, the base turrets on our side of the map were utterly useless. The enemies were able to sit on a high walkway literally in the middle of our base, looking at our spawn points, but the two turrets weren't placed well enough to see them. It got down to me and one other person on my team, and it took me aaaages to finally get up there and kill the two who were camping it, they musta got hella sprees out of it.

    That is one knock against this game, some of the maps having annoying flaws in implementing the spawn hive protected by turrets principle. Mostly that only becomes a problem once the team getting camped starts quitting out, with 1 or 2 team mates against a team of 4-6 spawn camping can be quite annoying until you manage to break it.
    #10 Pegasi, Jul 8, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2010
  11. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    Agreed, spawns and spawn hives can suck tremendously in this game. However it's not as frequent in objective games, which if you've yet to try I recommend you try immediately.
  12. freepie

    freepie Ancient
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    I love this game I bought it yesterday :) I enjoy playing last man standing personally and yes I agree the blackops are really difficult :|
  13. Klaydude11

    Klaydude11 Ancient
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    I bought the game a few days ago and have got to level 7, mostly on Black Ops missions. The only ones I have completed without the AI spawning where I reside is the first and third missions. It would be a lot easier to complete them with other people. I did figure out that tags can increase certain attributes of your weapons. The one that is on all of mine is a little green canister and it boosts defense a lot. The game is great but sometimes the matchmaking is really slow and disconnects often in the lobby but always reconnects in the game. They need to fix that. Anyways epic game and I need some help in Black Ops although they do seem possible solo.

    GT: Klaydude 13
  14. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    from the gameplay video, i really like the pace and fluid look of the movement. But the ADS looks like it would drive me crazy, for a while i was thinking "why is he aiming at the guys feet and how is it hitting him??" then i realized the reticule is raised from the gun during the seemingly pointless aiming down the sight. The sniper ADS looks cool as **** though.

    The concept is cool, CoD with some futuristic elements but meh. Mind is not blown.
  15. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Yeah my friend Stefan bitched about the same thing when he played lol. It's only true on the Rail scope attachments, ACOG and Red Dot etc. scopes fully scope in for ADS like the sniper. But tbh I prefer the Rail scope to full zoom ones, I like having my field of vision as un-obscured as possible and don't find it any harder to aim at distance really. I might stick a 2x scope on my AR when I unlock it, but only if I can make my SMG powerful enough to make it my general purpose gun, I'll just have the Rail scope on that and use my AR for more extreme ranges. If so, I can't see myself using the Sniper much anymore lol.

    Idk, I think of that as kinda the point. It's a 1200 point game, whilst it admittedly isn't anything new, I think it's really fun and pretty nicely formed for an XBLA title.
    #15 Pegasi, Jul 11, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2010
  16. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    i'll definitely have to check the demo out
  17. Klaydude11

    Klaydude11 Ancient
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    I was fine with the game until I got paired up with level 30+ in multiple games. I'm level 7 and I have no idea how that even works. This is my opinion of the game after I played with high ranked spawn killers and cheaters (1 shot kill in the body from a normal SMG, WTF?) The matchmaking is slow and the ADS is really annoying with guns without attachments and the guns with attachments have really annoying sights. I have no idea how people do it but they seem to be able to one shot me with any gun from any distance. I think I wasted my money but this might be just from me being pissed off because my parents and "summer reading."
  18. Cupcake

    Cupcake Forerunner

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    This is for guys who are still stuck with the demo due to financial difficulties. :p

    Some kid on YouTube found an unlimited time glitch. Play on!

    Unlimited Demo Time Glitch: GotEmSkills

    EDIT: This will work for those whose timers have run dry. (00:00)
    #18 Cupcake, Jul 13, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2010
  19. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    I have it, I love it... Nuff Said.
  20. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I'm putting together a guide for BTD with stuff like levels/ranks/required exp, sprees, multikills, exp rewards, unlocks by level etc. and I could really do with some help.

    Right now I'm working on the exp rewards breakdown, and I apparently suck too much to get all the various medals (or whatever they're called) on command. I need to know the exp values for getting a God Like Spree, Triple Kill, Overkill and Insane Kill. I'm also doing this in TDM right now, and I know that the basic kill reward is lower in objective gamemodes than the 100xp in TDM. Any help with if/how other exp rewards change depending on gamemode would also be appreciated. Any help will of course receive full credit in the guide I'm writing, which I hope to post on GameFAQs etc. if I can get it looking good enough.

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