In the new Reach video, we can see that the Bungie flag clearly is not the flag that was used in the BETA. Someone brought up the subject of customizable flags in the game. If this is true, Bungie will make a new emblem editor for the flags or w.e or in the most awesome of cases, we will be able to upload files to and then be able to use them in game. If not this, I think Bungie will have their own custom flag (like flaming head) and will possibly allow the top MLG teams to have a custom flag or w.e?
E.G. The emblem belonging to the party leader in a team objective arena playlist being displayed on the team's flag.
My idea is that the Flags should be neutral from the start, then change to the person who picked it up's emblem. If they die, the next person who picks it up's emblem would become emblazened on it. Finally, when a player caps the Flag AND if their team's Flag is at home, the home Flag would change to the player who just cap'ed a Flag's emblem. The home Flag would stay like this until a different player in the team caps another Flag. Does that sound logical to you?
TBH, I hope Reach introduces built in clans. You know the feed of players on your friends list and one for party, I think that was blatently too blank, possibly room for a clan feed, and flag could be clan logo? But I really do hope this is a Bungie exclusive feature, they won't have anything else otherwise. The flaming helm is being released straight away and the flaming helm was flawed in halo 3 because of invisibility LMAO ;p So I guess they could keep a custom flag for themselves. & Maybe in MLG tournies they will let the top teams have flags? I dunno, this is just speculation TBH.
It does sound like a lot of fun (IF IT HAPPENS) being able to walk about with a Flag with an image you wanted embedded on it. It would sure as hell make me happy
If there is custom flags everyone will be able to use them equally. Most likely your emblem put on the flag. I'm hoping there is Ive wanted it since I first seen a Flag.
When I saw the end of this vidoc, i was reminded of the end of the first trailer of Halo. YouTube - Halo: The Original Trailer SImilar stance and everything. I really didn't want to derail for a bit, but I don't think it's customizeable, it was probably done just for the vidoc, as is other things (i'm looking at you, Holographic AA...)
I think would be as cool as the next guy, but I think that flag was fake. Sarge was jetpackin with it, so it was fake and they probably just wanted to put that bungie in there for their "special" day
The hologram was found by modders a while ago.. Yeah this isn't a discussion about jetpacking with the flag, it's been proved in another thread that it is custom game option.
Alright well I'm still not onboard with this, there's only so much they can put in the game and I would rather have something a little more useful than this
Chill out, I edited my post when I saw the thread you were talking about. It's a good idea, but I'm doubting we are going to have custom flags
It's not all about what YOU want, lot's of people would gladly welcome the idea. It was a chilled response.
I too would feel more inclined to protect a flag which said "GunnerGrunt". Jokes aside, this is one of the many reasons many people would want this. Is it just me or would anyone else just love to see a str8 rippin logo running round (pwning you obv ;p)
I don't believe we'll be able to customize flags, it'd be cool, but I feel as if it were just for the vidoc. However, IF we can, one cool way it could work would be just choose a random team members emblem, display it on the flag, when it's capped or reset, chooses another random teammates emblem.
I would feel much more inclined to cap a flag that said "Gunnergrunt" on it As much as I like the Idea, I think this was just for the video as a homage to the very first Halo Trailer
I Don't think so cause when i Played H2 i didn't see any of my Or my Guests Emblems so this is a 50/50 Chance for Custom Flags
Custom Flags seem great, as long as we can type in our own messages. Obviously nothign innapropriate.