Chess Forged and tweaked by: MetaWaddleDee Concept by: Nick the Ratman Welcome to Chess! It is the exact same game you've played time and time again, but the only different thing is, it's on Halo! Nick and I used a Forge glitch to make the board unmovable in Forge, but this glitch only works in the first round of Forge. The glory of playing Chess in Forge is that you can Save games and load them later! But that's enough rambling I'll just give you all some pictures! If you have no Idea what Chess in real life is, click the link below. What rock have you been living under Pretty standard Overview I would like to note that some of the smaller pieces disappear when the camera is far enough away because it reduces lag. (I'm looking at you Fusion coil) Pretty good idea of what the board looks like now right? Lets get into some more interesting stuff shall we? Pieces Nick and Myself have gone through almost every possible layout and decided that this layout was the most effective and Easiest to remember. These pictures display both side's common pieces. And remember the sides aren't black and white, but rather Covie and UNSC. Kings 'Hog - Large and iconic to the Halo series, its also seen as Important Prowler - Bears a striking similarity to the 'Hog in size and function Queens Choppa' - Most useful Covie vehicle, slightly smaller than the Prowler. Missile Pod - In a game of mostly vehicles wouldn't the Missile pod be super useful? And It has High contrast because its dark with a bis rectangle of white. (easy to see). (The Gauss Hog would have gone here, but its much too close to the king) Bishops Mongoose - Smooth Ghost - Equally Smooth Knights I saw some physical similarities in these pieces... Well, at least I see a connection... Turret - Very UNSC with an equal counter part, and it kinda looks like a Knight Plasma Cannon - Counterpart that looks very similar Rooks Barricade - You gotta admit it does look a lot like a castle... Small Block - Equal size of the Barricade, kinda alien themed... Pawns Fusion coil - Small and UNSC themed, originally we had weapons as pawns but they were too hard to see. Receiver node - Alien themed small and easy to see. but don't forget if you feel any piece is falsely represented you can easily change it. Board The Board is a big part of the map, I mean if you could move the board, this would be pretty much the worst game ever. There is no way you can accidentally move the board because you physically can't touch it. See? The pieces are movable but not the board. Timer The timer is that strange hourglass thing on the side of the level. It serves a small purpose in the map, but if you feel that turns are taking too long or you want to place tournament rules (they actually use timers). Its very simple to use, simply change the respawn time on the fusion coil and then delete the pallet under the fusion coil. When the coil drops onto the hourglass it will signify the end of a turn. Did that make any sense? No? well here are some pictures to explain better. Overview Just delete the pallet below the fusion coil and it will hit the ground and signal when the turn is over, but if you want to shut it up, never fret, there are four fusion coils that, when something is placed above them, stop the annoying fusion coil. When it falls it looks a little something like this. Action Shots Pretty Crazy right? I almost couldn't believe how fast paced this looks! Now that were wrapping it up, let me remind you of some important notes. Misc. Info Can only be played in the first round of Forge Vehicles must be picked up and moves, not driven, as this does not move the vector point (tear drop) and it will respawn in a different area. It is requested to be on the same team, because it is easier to see where the opponent is To decide who goes first just have one player flip a coin, and the other call it in the air (call either glyph side or blank side) and that player chooses who goes first. The viewing platforms may be deleted to increase visibility I didn't just forget to do the glitch on them. There are less honor rules than on the real version of chess. (The honor rule that was removed is that now you can't flip over the board and punch the other guy in the face) Don't forget that you can Save and quit at any point in Forge. You can also play checkers on this board! just delete the chess pieces and place mongeese and ghosts as starting pieces and upgrade them to 'Hogs and choppers. Advanced Chess Rules Castling - Castling is when both you're Rook and your king have never moved, and there is an open space between them. You may move you're Rook as close to you're king as you can, then have you're king jump over him. This works on both sides Did that make no sense? click here En passant - En passant is almost useless, but is still an advanced rule of chess and must be mentioned. It is the act of taking a pawn with another pawn, and it has to be with a pawn, in a space its not at... when a pawn... uh just check the link out... This is impossible to explain please click here Pawn promotion - If a pawn makes it to the very end of the board, it may be transformed into any piece you want, except for another king. check out promotion here That should e all for this post If I forgot anything I'll update the thread when needed. Downloads Download Map Variant Download Gamety...wait...just use Forge Have fun!
this is sexy. i got a game in and it is a little tedious but alot of fun one problem though is you left out queenside castleing in the advanced moved section. other than that it is beutifull
Looks great, merging and pieces look great(only complaint is Misslepod, would the Banshee and Hornet work?). Board being unable to move is what sets this apart though, great job! You got my DL. Now I can only wish that Chess will be in Reach. note: En passant link is broke and typo here:
I searched for queenside castling, but found nothing, I know you can castle on both sides, but please send me a link with what you're talking about. Thank you, and thank you. I fixed the En passant link and Hornets and Banshees do not work because the Hornet blocks way too much from being seen and the Banshee balances funny...
Never, EVER play chess with Meta/Erick. He cheats when you're not looking. And then it's like "Are you SUUUURE you wanna do that?" and I'm like "hell yes I do" and then WABLAM! Checkmate. Cheater. And of course I'm totally pro at chess, just FYI. This isn't a difference in siree.
This is surprisingly probably one of the first times I've seen Chess remade in Halo. Nice way to start the genre. I'm definitely going to check it out later. Also, your pics were hilarious. 'Intense!'
Lolol. Well if you want my honest opinion, it looks rather nice. I like how you even took time to distinct the chess board spaces. Normally people would see a map made by you and spam post like... Or.... Mostly because of the gross political system on forums that automatically makes anyone who is big bigger and the lil guy doesn't stand a chance. *ahem* But this map is genius and creative. I'm liking all the (honest) reviews you are getting. Honestly you are an amazing forger and this map looks great. I might get together and play it with mah dad cuz he is the only one with enough patience. -_- When I was playin with mah buddy m@st3rch13f this is what happened.
Nice idea! Personally not a fan of chess because I'm too impatient but I see you've put a lot of time into this and everything looks neatly set out. I kind of wish you'd have kept both sides pawns and things the same, but whatever I guess it makes no odds.
This is really well put-together. Best chess map I've seen. Good work on the board and making it not selectable, thats awesome. Next time I fire up Halo Ima try and get in on some of this actionz
I guess if you make a board and working pieces set, I should probably play it! I challenge you: GT= E inglourious 3
This is definitely an original idea. Once I write down what pieces are what and get the 8 maps in my DL queue on to my 'box, I'll DL this and see if I can play it (I suck at chess ).
I still have the first version of this with the OLN objects Chess is my favorite board game of all time and you two have definitely executed it well in Halo. I kind of thought the that the knights should have been mongeese and ghosts while turrets are bishops, but that's just me. I've played dozens of times already on your variant and the only game I've lost was my first one against you a while back when I was still confused about the pieces you used(couldn't see the damn respawn points for pawns...) Downloading the new version now.
Just gonna toss this out there, but we should totally have a chess tournament now... It looks really clean and stuff, I cant really tell you what to improve on, because I could just edit it in forge myself.
You have been quoted for the Win. I am making a post requesting this as we speak. Cheers, HarisSales. (P.S. Co0l MaP Dood. Needs moar intermerging.)
Comeon GUYS I'LL TAKE ON ANYONE! But i'll probably loose. I'm not good at this game, and i'll probably confuse the pieces, but i really wanna try it out. Next Up Meta: Battleships
I find it quite astounding that no one has done this before. Has no one done this before?! I have this downloaded and I look forward to annoying my online friends by harassing them to play chess. Adding the "timer" was a really nice addition to show that you gave this idea proper care and attention to detail. I assumed the "viewing gallery" things were for putting the captured pieces, but no, I guess you just delete them! There's not really much else you can say about this map, is there? I mean, it's chess, in forge! It's all been cleanly put together and it does what it says, 'nuff said! Oh, but cool kids create mechanisms that prevent you from being able to delete things after restarting the round *puts on shades*.
I'm thinkin the same thing as buddha. How has no one ever thought of this before? It's almost like *face palm* why didn't I think of that? I must say though, even had anyone else thought of it I sincerely don't believe anyone would have executed it as well. The board is astounding, and adding the glitch to make the board immovable definitely makes it less frustrating for players. I've been telling myself I need to go out and get a new chess board. Looks like I found it =D
Nah theres been a few chess boards before this, but none were done as cleanly. Furious D 18 had a good Foundry one. I'm sure a search would turn some results up.
What they mean is that nobody's done one where you can't move the board before. That's what makes this so great. You're on. And this time it's going to be like "And you SUUUUURE you wanna do that?" and I'll say "NO!" and do something totally different! I'm a genius.