There are 2 widgets. One is a news widget and one is a podcast widget. Another product of T1 Productions is out, this one is for Macs. The Bungie Studios Podcast is something we all listen to, and now it is even more awesome to listen to with my new Dashboard widget. Check it out at T1 Productions Get the Bungie News as it happens directly from your Dashboard. It updates every 10 minutes, so you will always be in the loop. Designed for Halo 3 and Bungie fans alike, you shouldn't be caught dead without it. Requirements: Mac OSX 10.4.3 or later Recommendations: Download using Safari Click here to go to the download page
If you delete something on a MAC it's gone forever, but if you delete something on a PC you can retrieve it using DOS... PC>MAC
Macs=Nubcake Computers. But I do have an ipod touch. Which I haxxxed. So...I'll put this widget on there..
I hate macs, and truedark I think I know what kind of files you are deleting . File recovery is easy in windows you don't even need to go into dos, there are several free programs who can bring up all your deleted files within minutes. When windows deletes a file it just renames it to zeros then places it onto a section of the harddrive so it can be overwritten with new files later. So basically the only way to permanently delete a file is to overwrite it a dozen times in military code.
You can recover stuff on Macs and the Mac Book Pro was considered the best computer for Vista. My friend has Crysis and loaded Windows on his Mac Book Pro and it runs smoothly.
haha yeah on ultra low settings I bet it does run pretty smoothly, there is no way crysis would run at a decent setting on any mac this generation.
Crysis runs as smoothly as any other game when you max out the settings. Turn on any anti-aliasing at all... and the FPS drops to **** no matter what you've got.
You currently can not max out the settings on crysis and still maintain a decent framerate, not with our technology.