Policy of Truth: Insipid

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Organite, Jul 8, 2010.

  1. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    The Series: 1.)The Floor | 2.)Relevance | 3.)[thread=97737]ABNEGATION[/thread] | 4.)Debacle | 5.)[thread=100866]Insipid[/thread] | 6.)[thread=103323]Centerpiece[/thread]


    Whilst not the strongest map in my Sandbox series, Insipid boasts something I've honestly never seen in any other linear infection map of this caliber... Length.
    I'm not even kidding, playing this map with at least 4 people, you probably won't even make it to the Back Door (explained later) until your second or third try.
    Length is one thing, but the way this map is built is also different from the rest of the series, and that is what keeps this map from being redundant to Abnegation.​

    Please excuse the lack of in depth description of the map.
    I realized pretty quick that words wouldn't work out in this post.
    So I feel the video below the action shots will suffice.​

    Anyway, I'm through talking.
    Let's let the government have a few words:​

    Day 4, Entry 1:
    We made it to the government outpost early this morning. The soldiers analyzed us thoroughly checking for signs of infection. I guess we all checked out okay because we were escorted to another part of the outpost. As I walked I looked at the faces of the soldiers hanging around. There was a look of surprise looking back at me. Are there really that few of survivors found that when a few of us walk in it’s like gazing upon a foreign creature? But as I looked closer at the faces the looks were not pleasant. In fact, some of the soldiers seemed offended at our presence there. Others looked worried. They looked as though they thought we’d attack them at any second; like we knew something they didn’t want us to know.
    That last thing has pervaded my mind right into writing this. Why would you not be happy there were survivors? Is there something we know that we shouldn’t? Or worse, is there something we don’t know?
    So many questions I want to ask. I know I shouldn’t though. I’ll just be lied to.
    The others and I were put in small squad troop quarters for the night. I want to sleep and part of me knows it’s safe to sleep, but another part feels the need to watch. Watch to make sure the offended looks I saw earlier didn’t press their offense any further than looks. They scare me. The government scares me. They can do anything; they can be the most charitable organization but simultaneously commit acts of horrid treachery and render their victim nonexistent…
    I think I just came onto something; something horrible. I hope it isn’t true, but I must know. I need to find the answers.
    Day 4, Entry 2:
    They say that if you go looking for answers you’ll find them, and if you find an answer you don’t like then you must live with it, but then you have to wonder if you were better off just believing something. Was some sordid fantasy easier to accept than the truth? This is the consequence that comes with knowing the answer, the policy of truth, so to speak.
    I found the answer. A government manufactured the worst virus known to man, turned it loose on the general public so that society could self-destruct. But who’s to blame for this atrocity? The Russians? The Chinese? No. Our own government released this virus into a controlled area, this city, to test population control. Meanwhile, the government labels it a biological attack from a rival country provoking mass patriotism and war. The people will think that we need the government to prevent anything like this again on a larger scale. It’s a genius way to instill fear into the people to be quiet all the while giving the perfect excuse to conquer all and reject our freedoms.
    It’s a beautiful plan in the grand spectrum. I suppose that’s why I’m so… level right now. Everything feels so clear. All the pieces are coming together in my head.
    I need to get everyone out of here. They won’t let us live. They’ll kill us. Nobody was supposed to live.
    That was the point.

    ^click pic^

    Government Procedure: You Get to Die

    So... Guess the cat's outta the bag huh...
    The big, bad government did something horrible to induce mass panic.
    Who knew.

    Anyway, just wanted to let you know that you get to die now.
    We opened the flood gates and what was once a safe haven is now crawling with those lovable guys who wanna bash your head in and devour the gray matter.

    Suppose it's only fair that we, your benevolent government, give you a little advice as to what to do now.
    Think of it as good sport.
    There's a nice little pot amongst us as to how this ends.
    Let's just say the odds aren't in your favor.
    So do an old boy a favor and go out guns blazing... and if you're not the shooting type then by all means go out silently.

    Government Sub-procedure: Level Playing Field

    overview of the metro you'll be fighting through

    Urban Jungle

    The military base from which you must escape.
    -Don't touch the columns or security features will keep it from opening-

    ooh you may think you can camp there...

    The church is home to another timed event.
    -Don't touch it either.-
    Hold out until 1 minute passes and move forward

    the alter's calling

    The next area (the construction site) is blocked by a locked door.
    Get the key (power drain) at the top of the site and throw it at the door to open it.

    hardhat zone

    that one... locked... door

    This is the skyscraper district.
    There is a sniper located where which this place is themed.
    Don't stay there though cos it'll certainly be the death of you.

    impossible structures

    The train station is home to a few more (well) hidden weapons.
    Ascend the ramp to get to the...

    platform 9 and 4 quarters or 10

    Train tracks.
    A very simple zone, but it is a straight shot for any zombies and/or tank.
    Unless you are brave enough to traverse the flames you will meet your end here.

    through fire and flames

    But if you run through fire you'll emerge at the back door.
    The final holdout.
    It is your best bet, but once you get here there is no turning back.

    knockin on the back door

    If you just can't seem to find the way then here's a road map:

    no... turn left

    Actionish shots

    whoa... nelly


    clogged pipes


    even the mighty fall to being backstabbed

    \/A walkthrough with a badass song\/

    \/Links one more time\/

    you know you wanna

    -Urban Warrior: Survive
    -Roadster: Make it to the Back Door
    -Mop Up: Get Hell's Janitor
    -Freak Out: Assassinate a Tank
    -The Nest: Lock yourself inside the military base and survive
    -Pssst: Find the secret path around the door
    -Headshot Machine: Locate all 4 hidden Battle Rifles
    -Needle Boss: 3 kills with the Needler
    -Secret Switch: Locate the switch that does absolutely nothing

    -Heartstopper: Don't let the humans live
    -Wallop: Kill 4 survivors in one bout as the tank
    -Blaspheme: Kill a human in the church
    -10 Seconds: Assassinate a human entering the Back Door
    -Kill4Silence: Become an invisible tank
    -Blue Balls: Find the Chief's ****...

    +1000 Imaginescore =D


    The video by no means shows everything about the map.
    If you can figure out all the challenges then you have searched this map from top to bottom.
    Deleting **** in forge is just cheating, but whatever.
    Anyway, have fun
    and until next time

    peace FH

    part 6 (the finale) due out soon enough.
    #1 Organite, Jul 8, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2010
  2. Itz Grub

    Itz Grub Forerunner

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    Gonna download the actual map now. After playing this map (unfinished) your right, it is very... lengthy. PS: Im free 4 any testing of the next PoT maps. :3
  3. RageQuit

    RageQuit Forerunner

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    I found all the camping spots now gimme a damn cookie!
    Finally you fixed the first door I broke lol
    I hope you also fixed the balance between humans killing zombies and zombies killing humans..
  4. Triarii

    Triarii Forerunner

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    All in all this is a kick ass map among a kick ass series, but I am just a little confused at the fact that the zombies can use the power drain (2:28 on the video) which is a vital piece for survival and it is supposed to be a key, not a weapon......just saying, it might mess some things up. But if that doesnt matter, is there atleast a quick spawn time for the power drain. but other then that, awsome sauce. (you should definetly have a map in the series where the government gets infected.....as a grand finale to the series)
  5. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    Ha ha I think I added a whole other section since last you played it.
    Btw, there's only one PoT map left and it's the finale.
    I'm pretty sure you've seen it but it's more epic than ever now =D

    Are you sure you don't want any turtle cake?
    And balancing between zombies killing humans and vice versa has never been about balance actually. It's more about how well each side works together.
    That's something I accomplished well in this gametype.

    The tank is the only zombie that can pick up weapons.
    Generally people adhere to the sanctity of the game by only using the hammer, but I'm not putting in an honor rule.
    You have a good point there though.
    It's hard to control the pickup of equipment.
    I'll have to fix that little issue.
    #5 Organite, Jul 8, 2010
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2010
  6. Tomo Stryker

    Tomo Stryker Forerunner

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    Well it isn't my first pic but I must give a 10/10 on the amount of planning that went on in the creation of the map!

    -Tomo Stryker

    ASSASSINinWH1TE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Dude mad awesome urban setting map, lots of chaos, and you forged this well. I like the creative things here and there like the two blocks sitting on their corners, and the alter, as well as how you used the sky box and the underground. Overall cool map :)
  8. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    uh, Thanks... I think.

    Yes, creating the transition between the Crypt and the Skybox was a bit difficult.
    I wanted to make it a smooth transistion so that it simply felt like you moved along the tracks a little and eliminate camping behind the teleporter at the same time.

    Quick question, has anybody tried any of the challenges?
    Or more specifically the ones geared toward hidden gems?

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